30 Business Tips for Women in Their 30s

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30 Business Tips for Women in Their 30s


30 Business Tips for Women in Their 30s

Starting your own business isn’t easy, especially as a women. Doing this more than once is even harder. With each start-up there’s risk. Will your business do well? What will it cost you? What if your new business fails, what will friends and colleagues think then?

I’m not sure where my entrepreneurial spirit came from but since 2009 the bug got me, and I keep going. Honestly, I never thought it would give me the opportunities I’ve had so far. I’ve had dreams and hopes and one days but to see them actually pan out is pretty amazing.

In April I received a very exciting email. An email that made me pause and reflect, and smile. A friend and colleague that I admire greatly recommended me for a new book project with Forbes and author Denise Restauri. The book would highlight 30 extraordinary women in an under-represented group: women in their 30’s.  I was speechless.  Several months later, interviews, and edits later, I can finally share the good news.  The book is ready for release!

The book, Their Roaring Thirties: Brutally Honest Career Talk From Women Who Beat The Youth Trap, takes an in-depth look at the lives of 30 women from all walks of life. It examines the challenges and milestones that this group faces at work, in making career or business decisions, and finding purpose.

The book honors this under-represented group creating role-models for women in their 20s so that there are more of us in our 40s. Although Forbes and many other publications often highlight “30 under 30’s” or “Power Women” (usually over 40), there’s always been this gap. Until now.

Big thank you to author Denise for including my story and Forbes for recognizing our group. I am truly honored to share my story, lessons learned, tips, and set-backs. Yes, there were set-backs. With each one, I learned something. It made me stronger, better, careful.

Along my journey, I collected tips and advice from mentors, friends, and colleagues. While I am certainly still learning, this a  has certainly helped shape my career and choices. I hope these tips help you in your journey.

 30 Business Tips for Women Entrepreneurs

  1. It’s not personal, it’s business is sometimes the basis for the best business decisions.
  2. It’s not personal, it’s business can make even a 30+ year old woman want to cry.
  3. Save six months of salary, at least, before you leave your full-time job for self-employment.
  4. Friends don’t always make good business partners is false. Friends NEVER make good business partners.
  5. But, a friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship.(YES.)
  6. Live your life for yourself, not others.
  7. Everyone deserves a chance.
  8. Money isn’t everything.
  9. Greed blinds even the most sensible person.
  10. You can absolutely change your mind about your career, at any time. Just have a plan.
  11. You’ll work even harder when you own your own business.
  12. Listening is an art.
  13. Look your best when you feel your worst.
  14. Get it in writing.
  15. Under promise, over deliver.
  16. Managing expectations is a skill. (Working on it.)
  17. A five minute phone call can secure a deal faster than even the best written email.
  18. Travel.
  19. Always have your passport ready.
  20. Invest in nice business cards.
  21. Sometimes failure is the best lesson.
  22. Get a lawyer.
  23. Don’t be afraid to require a fee.
  24. Enjoy the weekends off but check email Sunday.
  25. Working out is important.
  26. You can never make-up lost sleep.
  27. Wait 10 minutes before asking for the WI-FI code.
  28. Before a big business meeting/pitch always skim current headlines. You never what will come up during small talk.
  29. Learn the art of small talk.
  30. Learn to say no.


About the Author: Denise Restauri is a contributor for Forbes and founder and CEO of GirlQuake where she amplifies the voices of emerging powers (women and girls).


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