Monday Motiviation- Where do you find balance?

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The other day I had a female colleague tell me that I always seemed so calm even when she knew I was busy.  She stopped by my office for tips on time-management and advice on what she could do to lower her stress levels.  Coincidently, another colleague had recently told me almost the same thing.

While I was humbled by their statements (Really, me?), I assured them both that I was not always calm or organized. As for my colleague wanting help, I shared with her my constant struggle to manage my stress and find balance in my life.   If I am not proactive about managing my stress, I feel it physically and mentally.  I start to have chest pains, find myself sick often, and I am not fun to be around.

A couple of years ago I decided to take control of my stress levels.  It was my doctor’s warnings and my own unhappiness that motivated the change.   I started first by putting myself on my weekly  to-do list.   I figured that with 168 hours in a week, surely I could find just a few hours a week to schedule time for me.  For years, I was at the bottom of my own list and it made me very unhappy.    I thought that not multi-tasking was a huge waste of time; I would eat lunch at my desk, while working, or, would take a coffee “break” while I checked email on my phone.   I never took time for myself.

I realized one day that I was driving myself to the ground and decided that devoting time to myself was not a selfish act but a smart move that would in turn make for a happier person and hopefully better mother and spouse. I started by making small changes first.   I joined the gym and planned at least three workouts a week.  It was hard to manage at first but with some advance planning I was able to do it and keep it up.  I was surprised to learn that I wasn’t less productive but more efficient in my work.

It also required me to be more organized.   For example, before my week started, I would take a quick look at my calendar to determine what days I could squeeze in some me time, either at the gym or in some other way.  I also started keeping a gym bag in the car for those days where I ended up with unexpected  extra time.

This year I decided to add another small change to help balance out my days.  I now make it a point to sit in the lunchroom to eat my lunch.  Sometimes I read the paper, or a magazine, or chat with my colleagues.  Just sitting down and relaxing, even for 20 minutes, makes a difference in my well-being.  It gives me a chance to recharge and regroup and rest my mind from the stress.   When I return to my office, I am more focused on the tasks at hand.

As we talked about all this I asked her where she finds balance in her life.  After a quick second she didn’t have an answer.  She would think about it some more, she said.

Our conversation helped me better understand how much my own choice improved my well-being and happiness.

If you find yourself in the same situation, think of this new week as an opportunity to start fresh and find something to balance your life out.   It may not be time at the gym but maybe you’ll enjoy doing something else. Reading? Cooking? Art? More writing (or less writing).

The important thing is to find something to balance out your daily and weekly routine.  Put yourself on your to-do list and find a little me time somewhere within those 168 hours.  It’ll do wonders for your spirit!

Where do you do to find balance?  Share your thoughts here!

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