Half-Marathon Is Here: It’s Go Time!

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Half-Marathon Is Here: It’s Go Time!

In less than 24 hours my feet will be pounding away on the pavement in Savannah, Georgia heading towards the finish line 13.1 miles away. Yep, tomorrow is the Rock ‘n’ Roll Savannah Half Marathon.  I’m excited, anxious, and relaxed, all at the same time.

Excited!! As I mentioned before, I’ll be running with a group of about 18 bloggers in the Race & Relax event hosted by Run Wifey Run.  Tonight we will be heading to the race expo and getting VIP treatment by some of the sponsors for the event including the American Cancer Society DetermiNation Program (ASC).  The expos are always fun, informational, and a great place to  grab swag.   After the expo we’ll be heading out for a fun dinner, and then tomorrow there is a closing lunch. Wifey, has some surprises in store for us which is even more exciting. I’m definitely a girl that likes surprises!    You can read more about our fun weekend here.

I’m also running with Team Liam to raise money for Lymphatic Malformation.  I’ve almost reached my fundraising goal and I’m thrilled about that! I joined the team only a few weeks ago so raising this much in a short time is awesome.  Thank you again to all of my supporters!  It’s not too late to donate if you are interested, just click here. 

Anxious!! This is my biggest race yet.  Almost 24 thousand runners expected. That is a huge crowd of people all trying to get to the same location.  More injuries you’ll see along the way, more people to have to pass by, maneuver around, etc.  When I ran the More Half-Marathon there were “only” 10 thousand runners.  My 15k had about 15 thousand runners. A big race also means a lot of organizing.  There were tons of emails from the race organizers for directions on this and that. So much to read before I head out.  (Yes, that’s right, haven’t read all the race day instructions yet- hence, why I’m a little anxious!)

Relaxed: At the end of the day, I’m feeling great about my training and  know that I’m going to do well.  Just this Tuesday, I got up at 4:30 am to run 12 miles with one of my good friends and with her encouragement I beat my own personal record.  We finished in less than two hours!  Last year I ran 9 miles in almost two hours.   My progress has me feeling relaxed and confident.  Let’s do this!

 Now for the race day outfit!!


There are workout clothes and then there are running clothes.  The two aren’t the same. This race I decided to upgrade my race day outfit.  You know, take the more professional route?  Looking cute was also important. I don’t sacrifice fitness for cuteness– nope!Here’s what I’m wearing:

  • Black New Balance Lightening Dry pants that fit perfectly and have built in support to lift and boost just where you want it.  They also stay dry in all the right places (if you know what I mean….).
  • white and pink Mizuno Running Shirt with built in sports bra (the girls need extra support) that also fits really nice.  Has a zipper in the back for some energy gummies or a cell phone.
  • My Newtons, a.k.a. my favorite brand of running shoes. I made the mistake of trying a different brand early in my training and regretted my decision right away.  Four uncomfortable runs and bad shin splints later, I took them back to the store and got my old friends back.  Thank goodness for 100% customer satisfaction guarantees!
  • My Spibelt courtesy of Race & Relax.  Perfect for my cell phone, money, or whatever else I want/need with me while running.  That little pouch can fit tons of stuff if you want it to!
  • My symbolic hat that I got for my first race when I ran as a Go Red For Women Ambassador for the American Heart Association. Not only is the hat cute with a red, blinged out dress, but the hat reminds me of own personal heart story.  November 21 of this  year will mark seven years since I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. This hat reminds me that I’m a survivor, I beat the odds, and I’m unstoppable. What else can’t I do??!! NOTHING!

Time to head to Savannah,  IT’s GO TIME!!


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