Haiti Cherie: My Dear Haiti

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Haiti Earthquake Signs

Today, I’ll be traveling to Port-au-Prince, Haiti to join a group of bloggers meeting in Haiti this weekend to help raise awareness as to all that has not occurred since the earthquake two years ago.   I am so excited to join bloggers @CiaoMom, @laflowers, @techsaavymama, and @jeannettekaplun for this great cause.  We are being hosted by  Willa Shalit of Fairwinds Trading and members from the amazing Everywhere team that organized  a similar trip last year.

We are going as part of Macy’s Heart of Haiti initiative that helps Haitian artisans to earn sustainable income and rebuild their lives.  It’s an amazing program and I am honored to be a part.

As I have written before, Haiti is near and dear to my heart.  I am a proud Haitian daughter that has grown up hearing about all the ups and downs of my dad’s little but fierce country. Through all of the poverty, pain, natural and unnatural disasters, Haiti still stands strong in the Caribbean.

To Haitians, the island is not poor but is paradise island. It is full of inner and outer beauty.  The culture, the life, the history, the pain, and the sadness all give her character.

Haitian Children
My Dad and aunt speaking with Haitian children. – December 2011


There is a song I grew up hearing called “Haiti Cherie” (My Dear Haiti).  It sums up the love and life of Haiti very well.  Perfectly explains why Haiti is our beloved land.    I invite you to listen to the English version of the song by Harry Belafonte and also read the stories of some of the other bloggers also attending this trip.

Take a moment to read the stories of some of the other bloggers also going:

Have a great weekend!

A portion of my trip was sponsored by the social media marketing firm, Everywhere.

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