The Strength of Haitian Women

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Haitian Women

Bloggers visit Haiti

So we are on day three of our #Bloggers4Haiti trip and the only thing I can say is that this has been a trip of a lifetime. There is so much to write but I have only a few moments of internet before we get in our van to go to Jacmel to visit more artisans that hand make the art for Heart of Haiti products sold at Macy’s.

Yesterday we went to a tent camp not too far from the airport. Within the camp, a group of women known as OFEDA have organized themselves to form a cooperative where their mission is to get themselves out of their current situation and into jobs and independence. There are about 200 women in this group that have no one to rely on but themselves. Some of them have children and have been abandoned by their husbands or boyfriends, others have lost their entire family from the earthquake. Despite their dire situation, they have decided that they are going to get out of the tent camp and into a better situation.

Haitian Women

When we arrived at the camp, we spoke with them and learned more about their life experiences and their dreams for their future. They were so excited to see us and knew exactly what they wanted to learn from us. They wanted business training, English training, and for us to teach them “everything” we know. The amazing thing is that I learned more from them then I think I could teach them.

I will share more about their story later but until then, here are few pics of their group. We donated many things including purses and toiletries. Like many women, a new purse put big smiles on their faces.

A portion of my trip was sponsored by the social media marketing firm, Everywhere.

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