I admit to juggling a full plate. In fact, I probably have enough plates for two or three people. The “how do you do it” question is asked often by even my most accomplished friends, neighbors, and colleagues. If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that question, well, let’s just say I would probably be able to afford a full-time assistant to help me do it all. But for now, it’s just me and my crazy to-do list(s).
I have multiple to-do lists. Most of them are in my head, some are on my iPhone app, others are on scraps of paper here, or there. Sometimes I write down what I have to do, other times I will ask whomever is around me to remind me to … {fill in the blank}. My kids are used to me blurting out in passing, “remind Mommy to buy toilet paper next time we go to the store.”
Where my problem comes in is being able to do it all. So I decided to do some research and find out what makes for a productive day?
While I didn’t exactly find one answer, I did find some helpful tips. Things that you and I both probably already know but may not always do. I also included some of my own.
- Get rid of the distractions, shiny objections, and Pinterest. Not forever, of course, just during your designated working hours. I devote a part of my day to working hours, and other part of my day to just releasing my need to tweet away, chat, or mindlessly wonder the web. If I schedule parts of the day where I can do this, then the rest of the day can be pretty focused.
- In follow up to number one, set up a schedule and follow it. I may not always write down my to-do lists, but I do write down my daily schedule and incorporate 15 minute breaks every 75 minutes or so. Ever notice that most classes are held in 75 minute intervals? It’s because after 60 minutes or so, your brain turns to mush. Don’t try to force yourself to work 2-3 hours straight because you won’t get too far with that. A 45 minute task will take you 1 hour and 30 minutes, maybe even longer.
- Multi-task in creative ways. Warming up dinner for 3 minutes in the microwave is the perfect chance to do some squats, leg lifts, even jumping jacks. Sure it’s not a 45 minute run, but it’s something to get my heart going and refresh my mind. Why just stand there for three minutes? Or wash dishes? Get up and do jumping jacks. Leave the dishes for later. They are not going anywhere.
- Call and don’t email. It can take you 10-15 emails to discuss what you could discuss in 10-15 minutes over the phone. An inbox full of emails, all with the same subject line, is enough to drive anyone crazy. One suggestion is to call after two replies.
- Do what you love. This makes perfect sense. When you follow and pursue your passion, it’s easy to get lost in what you do. You’re excited, motivated to get it done, and may even find yourself having to force yourself to stop.
- Write it down and keep a list. While some people may find my multiple lists the opposite of productive, this system actually works quite well for me. Writing down something usually helps me to remember it. In fact, writing down stuff and taking good notes is something that I teach in my class. So in practicing what I preach, I try to always write what I have to down and then I don’t have to worry about remembering.
- Follow your body’s natural clock or rhythm. If you are an early bird, do your most intense work early when your body feels energized after some rest. If you like to burn the midnight oil, don’t force yourself to get up and work early. You’ll probably hate yourself for being up so early. Use the times that you don’t work best to work on the administrative, routine stuff that takes little to no energy or thoughts.
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