Recipe: Mixed Berry Smoothie With Kale & Greek Yogurt

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Recipe Mixed Berry Smoothie With Kale & Greek Yogurt

Recipe Mixed Berry Smoothie With Kale & Greek Yogurt

I get obsessed with certain foods and my current obsession is adding Kale to everything we eat. “We” does include the kids.  Kale is mixed into our salads, rice, pasta sauces, eggs and of course, my mixed berry smoothiesFor every recipe that calls for spinach, I now add kale. 

This mixed berry smoothie is packed with protein, calcium, antioxidants, tastes good and is good for you. When I started eating my berry smoothies my hair grew, skin felt and looked great and I felt good. Also, I don’t get enough calcium so the almond milk and Greek Yogurt help me with that. 

Don’t be afraid to add the kale to your smoothie. I really don’t taste it. Maybe its the cinnamon or the almonds but I really only taste berries and yogurt.  Kale is a super food known to offer many health benefits.  It is ranked one of the best green vegetables, is high in iron, low in calorie, full of antioxidants, high in calcium, and helps with detox. 

And I know the color of the smoothie doesn’t look fantastic but don’t be fooled. It is good. My kids turned up their noses until I offered 50 cents if they tasted it. (Yes, I do bribe my kids.)  A dollar later, both of my boys were slurping this up. My daughter had some too and I didn’t even have to pay her. 

If you must sweeten it, whatever you do don’t add sugar. Consider honey for something more natural. Honestly, it doesn’t need anything to sweeten it so keep the recipe as is. 

Recipe: Mixed Berry Smoothie With Kale & Greek Yogurt

Ingredients (Serves 2)

  • 2 cups of Kale
  • 4-5 strawberries or half cup of frozen strawberries
  • 1/2 to 1 cup of blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 tsp. of cinnamon (antioxidants)
  • Shot glass full of raw almonds (about 10-15)
  • 1 cup of Vanilla Greek Yogurt (avoid fat-free Yogurt as the fat keeps you full longer)
  • 3/4 cup of Almond Milk
  • 1.5 bananas (tip, freeze your bananas)

Blend ingredients on high and serve right away! The smoothie blenders I use are the Ninja, my favorite bleder, or the Oster, a less expensive option.

Mixed Berry Smoothie With Kale & Greek Yogurt

Mixed Berry Smoothie With Kale & Greek Yogurt

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