Stay Fit & Cool Down This Summer With Low Calorie Treats

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Cool Down & Stay Fit This Summer

Cool Down & Stay Fit This Summer

Our summers are busy.  Travel, summer camps, play dates, and more travel. It sometimes feels impossible to stay fit in the summer with everything that is going on. And it’s soooo hot you can’t imagine anything else but going to the gym to work out. Temps can get up to 90+ degrees before 10 am so working out outdoors seems nearly impossible. But who wants to be indoors in the summer? You want to enjoy a run or walk but the sun is beating you down. And in Florida, you are hit with the humidity before you even break a sweat.

But there’s the pool. When we’re not traveling, we love to enjoy time at the pool. Although we don’t have a pool in our backyard, we have one in our community. It’s a beautiful pool with lounge chairs, tables, and enough trees to give you a break from the hot sun. Most weekends and evenings you’ll find us with the kids cooling off or getting in a quick workout at the pool.

The pool is also my outdoor office on some days. I may have my laptop while I answer emails. I’ll definitely tackle some conference calls there too.

Cool Down & Stay Fit This Summer

How can you stay fit in the summer with travel and feeling sluggish because of the heat? Even though it may be hard to keep up with your fitness routine, I have a few tips to staying fit during the hot summer months.

Four Easy Tips to Help you Cool Down & Stay Fit in the Summer.

1). Don’t just tan at the pool or watch the kids swim. Swim as many laps as you can for at least 20 minutes.  Swimming is a great full body workout. And it’s awesome cardio that most people can do. You don’t have to worry about bad knees or running shoes. And if you do love to run, swimming is a great workout to stay fit in the summer.

2.) Don’t feel like swimming that day?  Walk laps around the pool and get some steps in. Walking for 20 minutes can give you as many as 2,000 to 3,000 extra steps!

3.) Balance your meals and bank your calories. If I indulge during lunch, I will definitely opt for a salad with lean protein at dinner. I usually reserve a cheat day for the weekend but I also try to eat healthy but reasonable during the week.

4.) Opt for low calorie frozen treats. You don’t always have to skip dessert. Totally restricting your diet from any food group is never a long term strategy. Allow yourself to enjoy an occasional treat and you’re likely to continue eating healthier, longer. Try a low calorie and low fat frozen treat like Fruttare® Fruit Bars. It is our favorite dessert to cool off in the summer.  My favorite flavor is Coconut and Milk, of course. Being an island girl and Latina, I always love anything with coconut in it. Fruttare® frozen fruit bars are made with real fruit so there’s actually real shredded coconut bars in the bars. And they are so creamy you almost can’t believe they are low in calories and fat. Just 5 grams of fat and less than 150 calories per bar. Wow! It’s a great option when you’re treating yourself. And you don’t have to wait until your cheat day to enjoy it!

Check out Fruttare ®Fruit Bars  now and choose your Fruttare Bar flavor.  Then leave your favorite flavor and summer time workout tips in the comments below!

Cool Down & Stay Fit This Summer

Cool Down & Stay Fit This Summer




This is a sponsored campaign with Fruttare® and Latina Bloggers Connect. However, all opinions expressed are my own.


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