Celebrating Mother Figures on Mother’s Day

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Mother’s Day is a special day where moms are celebrated and honored by their families.  While we celebrate moms, there’s also the opportunity to celebrate mother figures on Mother’s Day too.  A mother figure is that significant woman in the life a child who has played a special, mother-like role. Those mother figures can include a devoted aunt, Godmother, step-mom, or grandmother-like figure.

Celebrating Mother Figures on Mother’s Day

One of my dear friends, Tila,  does not have children yet, but she is one of the most devoted aunts and Godmothers that I know. Although all of her nieces and nephews and Godchildren live several hours away, she never misses a birthday, important school event, or celebration.  She has a special bond with her nieces and nephews, one that began at birth, and includes more than just being the fun aunt.  Everything from staying up late to nurse a sick baby to bed to spending weekends with the kids to give mom and dad a break.

I met Tila at my former job almost two years ago. Within a year we traveled to Paris, D.C., and now Gainesville together.  We have had a lot of fun days and nights together and she has met my children plenty of times.  She is great with children and has that natural, maternal instinct and I know when it’s her turn, she will be a great mom.

Celebrating Mother Figures on Mother’s Day

It’s those types of Mother-like figures that we want to honor today as we prepare to honor all moms. As we prepare to celebrate moms on Mother’s Day, let’s also honor those mother-like figures in our lives that hold a special place in a child’s life that we know.

Three ideas for celebrating Mother Figures on Mother’s Day

  1. Spend an afternoon with the special mom.  Maybe an afternoon at the park, at home playing games, or maybe even a short day trip.  We invited Tila to join us for a day trip to Gainesville, the city where I went to college. It was a fun treat to reminisce on the good days of being a college student. I showed everyone my dorm, my favorite places to eat, coffee shops to study, and late night spots.
  2. Enjoy a nice meal. There’s nothing like sharing a delicious meal with someone to enjoy some quality time.  I briefly thought about cooking a meal then remembered, hey, it’s my day too! We love to eat local and trying new restaurants is always a treat.
  3. Write her a special letter.  Have the child whose life the mother figure has impacted write her a special letter. Maybe they can thank her for all she’s done or why she’s special.  It will be a nice keepsake for the mother figure and will make her feel appreciated and loved.

Mother-like figures have the opportunity to play a special role in the children’s lives in which they have been selected to. Honor her too on or around Mother’s Day.  I hope some of these ideas inspire you. What ways will you honor your mother-like figure on Mother’s Day?

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