Are Antibacterial Soaps Safe for Kids?

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Replace Antibacterial soaps with these safe hand washing tips via @JusticeJonesie

As we approach the peak of the flu and cold season hand sanitizing and washing is key to minimize the spread of germs and keep our children healthy. Yet today I came across some alarming news. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued another round of warnings that antibacterial soaps and liquids may be unsafe to use for children and adults. The key ingredient in antibacterial soaps, triclosan, is said to negatively affect hormone levels in lab rats and thyroid levels.

The FDA has proposed a rule requiring manufacturers of hand sanitizer, antibacterial soaps, body washes, dish soaps, etc to prove their products are safe and more effective than just using soap and water.

While new safety standards are put in place, what can parents and caregivers do to help eliminate the spread of  germs? Follow these simple steps and keep your children safe from germs and potentially toxic chemicals!

Replace Antibacterial soaps with these safe hand washing tips via @JusticeJonesie

How To Wash Hands Properly to Avoid the Spread of Germs:

  1. Wet your hands in clean water. The temperature of water does not alter effectiveness.
  2. Apply soap then rub together making sure to get in between fingers, under nails, and up to wrists.
  3. Continue to rub hands for at least 20 seconds. For kids this means singing the ABCs once with the added verse, “Now I know my ABCs…”.
  4. Rinse all soap off of  hands.
  5. Use a clean towel to dry hands or allow hands to air dry. Use towel to turn off water and to cover door handle as you exit the bathroom.

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