San Miguel: Where The Doors Are Beautiful

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San Miguel: Where The Doors Are Beautiful

Blue door in Guanajuato, Mexico

It’s been two weeks since we’ve been back from Mexico and I miss it terribly!  I came back to the hustle and bustle of back to school shopping, work, and a house that needed a thorough cleaning from top to bottom.

One of my favorite things to do while we were in San Miguel was to snap pictures of the doors. The homes there are unlike ours in that there is usually a wall with one door that leads you into a courtyard, then the main entrance to the house.  Usually you can’t see the front of the house from the road because of the wall, however, you normally have a pretty good idea of what the house may look like based on the quality of the door to the courtyard.  You can usually see the top floors of the home but that’s not always the case.   Here are a few pictures of some of my favorite doors.

Aren’t they just beautiful? Which door is your favorite?

 Door in San Miguel de Allende

View more of my pictures in slideshow!

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