What’s Love Got to do With Beyonce’s & Jay Z’s Drunk In Love Song?

Home / Lifestyle / What’s Love Got to do With Beyonce’s & Jay Z’s Drunk In Love Song?
Beyonce and Jay Z upset fans with song Drunk in Love via Justice Jonesie
Beyonce and Jay Z upset fans with song Drunk in Love via Justice Jonesie
Jay Z performing on stage in Miami, Florida.

Here’s the latest in Beyonce news.  We’re not asking if Beyonce is possessed by Sasha Fierce this time. Instead, domestic violence groups and unhappy fans are boycotting Beyonce’s latest hit song, Drunk in Love. The song, featuring a collaboration with her hubby, Jay Z, has a line that some folks are not at all happy about. In the line, Jay Z makes a reference to the movie “What’s Love Got To Do With It,” the story of Ike and Anna Mae “Tina” Turner. Some radio stations have removed the lyrics from the radio version.

In the verse Jay says, “I’m Ike Turner, turn up Baby, no, I don’t play, now eat the cake, Anna Mae said, ‘Eat the cake, Anna Mae!’” If you watched the movie you’ll remember it’s the  scene in movie where Ike and Tina are at a dinner with their friends and Ike shoves a piece of  cake in Anna Mae’s mouth after she refuses to eat it. Then he slaps her to the ground. Ouch.

When I first saw the video I silently gave Beyonce and her hubby a standing ovation for the love story they told. Sure it’s a little dirty but the song and video are for adults. Whether it tells their own love story or not, who knows, I don’t really care. If Bey and J really “do it all night long” good for them. I didn’t see the song as anything more than two artists trying to make a hit song.

I didn’t catch the “eat cake” line at first but do see how it raises questions. There are tons of references to Jay and his, um, man parts throughout the song so perhaps this is just another one. But I can why it may offend people especially after I saw the clip of the movie again. It’s anything but an expression of love.

What do you think? Is the line just another sexual expression or have Beyonce and Jay gone too far?

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 Image credit: Tracee H. with permission. 

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