Books for Spiritual Entrepreneurs To Feed Your Soul

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Books for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Books for Spiritual Entrepreneurs

Books for spiritual entrepreneurs can help you make a leap despite hurdles. Entrepreneurship often comes with uncertainties, doubt, or frustration. What do can you do when believing you can seems impossible? Read!

I have been an entrepreneur now for more than ten years. TEN!  Sometimes it’s really hard to believe it. This February, I’ll be three years fully self-employed. Although I have always wanted to be self-employed, honestly, I was scared. Fear made me not take that leap.  Fear told me I wouldn’t succeed, or that I was not equipped, and that I wouldn’t be able to earn the revenue needed to pay the bills and feed me and my THREE children. 

I managed through the ups and the downs. Through surplus and setbacks. Through client cancelations to chasing down past due bills. I did it all by realizing that I create my future, that there is power in the words I am, and that my inner spirit guides me.

First, I had to learn to listen to it.

Being an entrepreneur is not only about managing a business or staying committed to your passion in the entrepreneurial world. It’s about believing in yourself and staying motivated. 

There’s no doubt that we are not motivated ALL the time. We are humans who feel tired and stressed in our everyday endeavors to make sure that our homes, business, and personal lives are running efficiently. Sometimes our spirits are broken and we are hurt. Sometimes, we need to separate ourselves from the noise in our respective industries and to reset, relax, and recharge. Whether it’s for a 20-minute meditation, an hour at the gym, or a for a few days of vacation. 

I read once that the best and most successful CEOs read every day. Since I already like to read, adding some reading to my daily routine was easy. I like to read books that opened my mind, heart, and spirit. They help me personally which helps my business. Tapping into my inner spirit allows me to reach my full potential. It helps me reduce stress, honor higher beings, and stay the course.  I try to read daily even if it’s a few pages.

Reading can motivate or bring us some inspiration to bring back that spark that we first feel when we aspire to become an entrepreneur or when we get new projects or clients. And, being in business for yourself is a constant learning process. A good book provides different lessons or shares perspectives on staying motivated and challenging ourselves to keep going. 

I keep my favorite books below close by. I have one on the plane when I travel or read in the morning or before I go to sleep. Undoubtedly, books have instilled values that I guide me to stay sane and become better each day. They have carried me through it all and hope that they will help you, too.  

If you’re feeling drained, stuck by fear, feeling unsure about where the universe is taking, I highly recommend the following best books for spiritual entrepreneurs. From personal growth tips to decision-making strategies and ways to refuel your energy, you will surely find great things from these must-reads that you can implement to succeed in your business. Go, grab a cup of coffee, prepare your journal and pen, and let’s get started! Your spirit will thank you!

You Are a Badass® How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life

Written by the #1 New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and success coach Jen Sincero, this book for entrepreneurs outlines the reality that most entrepreneurs are facing despite their success: imposter syndrome. Using humor and her heartfelt compassion, she was able to relay that the best way to appreciate your greatness is self-love. Your badassness should start by loving yourself. It has strengthened my belief that the things that I desire are possible by making a positive change and believing that I deserve the life that I want. And you can, too. So, own it! I loved this book and found it funny and inspirational.

The TRAVELER’S GIFT – Local Print (International Edition): Seven Decisions that Determine Personal Success

What makes a dream a failure and a success? This heartwarming topic would surely touch the lives of many because it tackles personal struggles and adversity. These things can be inevitable, especially on our entrepreneurial journey, if we don’t know how to handle them. Thankfully, during some uncertainties, I found myself picking up this book. I learned that no matter how knowledgeable we are on our field, or even if we earned a Master’s degree, it still pays to listen to the counsel of those who are wise. It does not show that we are weak. Instead, it strengthens us in the middle of struggles. Because we will only fail if we quit!

The Alchemist

If you haven’t read The Alchemist yet, then you missed out! It is one of the best books for spiritual entrepreneurs that you might need in your daily living. It was written by the Brazilian author Paulo Coelho in 1988, which until now, is creating a life-changing impact on the life of whoever has read it. That includes me! It shares life-lessons that we can apply to our lives. It encourages us to live our dreams and pursue them, and with any effort comes great reward. Another worth-mentioning lesson to ponder is to become a better version of yourself. By doing so, you are creating a ripple effect that affects people around you. If you are searching for the ‘right’ decision, or you are struggling to focus on achieving your goals, then, this book is an excellent read!

The Four Agreements

As one of my favorite books for spiritual entrepreneurs written by Don Miguel Ruiz, it has personally transformed my life in so many ways. I found myself resting on the phrases or sentences while I savor the wisdom it shares. As an entrepreneur, we often deal with stress because we are too concerned about others opinions and take them personally until we are getting too hard on ourselves. This action creates interpersonal conflict. This book has opened my mind to the most important things to focus on and avoid the negative vibes that ruin my motivation.

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

This book implies the importance of “living in the moment.” As entrepreneurs, we sometimes found ourselves clouded by meetings, sales, paperwork, productivity, debt, and other endless stuff that take away most of our energy. We rush everything as if we won’t have another chance to do them the next day. The author, Eckhart Tolle, suggests that this very moment is the one we have. Let the past be past; the future is not here yet. So, enjoy every second of the day and create better moments!

Tom Rath StrengthsFinder 2.0 and Strengths-Based Leadership 2 Books Bundle Collection

Written by the best-selling author Tom Rath, this book for entrepreneurs is the best tool for those who are aspiring to be leaders. And to become one, you need to discover your strengths and harness your talents. In the entrepreneurial world, businesses succeed if they have a great team. It consists not only of your own strengths but it is also essential to invest in other’s strengths. Incorporate this vital character in your leadership, and for sure, you’ll create an invincible team.

Now, are you ready to view the ‘real’ world around you? Yes, these books for spiritual entrepreneurs will bring you to another part of the world where there are endless possibilities of self-improvement. That is if you are ready to implement the values they teach in real life. And of course, let them enlighten you along the way until you achieve success in entrepreneurship and gain a better quality of life.

Want to see my full list of spiritual entrepreneur books? Check it out here.

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