Christmas Staycation 2011

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Biltmore Village, Asheville, NC

I hope everyone has been having a great holiday season so far! Each year we spend so much time and energy getting ready for the big day and before we know it, it’s all finished. Crazy stuff, isn’t it?
This year, I wanted to savor my time off from work as much as possible and act like I was on vacation, rather than just trapped at home for two weeks with the kids. As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, I was planning to keep the kids as busy as possible so that we could all fun. So I finished my holiday shopping early and set out to find fun things for us to do.

Last week we did a full blown “staycation.” We were tourists in our own city and took advantage of exploring our home town and taking part in as many fun things as we could.
We spent one afternoon in St. Augustine, Florida, about 45 minutes from where we live. Each year they do a Winter Wonderland for kids. There was a Santa Village, horse and carriage rides, bon-fires to make S’mores, a mini-polar express train, and more. The kids had a blast and although the activities were a little pricey, it was worth the fun.

Winter Wonderland, St. Augustine, Florida
Another day we went ice skating. There is an indoor ice skating rink only ten miles or so from where we live. I’ve passed the rink so many times over the years I can’t believe that I have never taken the kids. I grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and ice skating was as common as bike riding. I was surprised I was able to get on the skates and work some magic around the rink. The kids did pretty good for their first time and had a blast.

Ice Skating Rink, Jacksonville, Florida
Back at home we made cookies, did Christmas crafts, and even went Christmas caroling at one of the local hospitals for the long-term care patients (patients that have been in the hospital for weeks and even months).

Homemade Christmas Cookies

We’ve been pleasantly busy and the kids keep saying how much fun they are having.  This week we are traveling to Cleveland, Ohio where the fun continues.

Now, if only I can get my Christmas Cards, New Year’s cards together so that they can be mailed out before Valentine’s Day then I’ll be good to go!

What have you been doing to keep yourself busy this holiday season?

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