You Might Be An Alpha Female If…

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Common Traits Alpha Females ShareIt has been said that Alpha women are the most powerful, dominant, relentless, and ambitious females in the world. These include women like Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Walsh, Beyoncé, and Madonna to name a few. Heck, I’m sure you’ll agree Kim Kardashian is the alpha female among her sisters. Even with all of these strong women in the mix, it’s surprising that alpha females are given a bad name.

I have always had alpha woman as my closest friends. We understand each other, relate, and don’t take things personal. If we have to cancel a happy hour for a meeting, they get it. And this makes sense.

There are many articles that say alpha females share common traits that usually make them highly successful. Alpha females have been labeled as high-functioning, aggressive, perfectionists, bossy, and direct. But they climb the ladders in their careers, they get the promotion, the large accounts, etc.

Read some of the most common alpha female traits below and then take this alpha female quiz to see where you fall in the alpha versus beta personality test.

Common Traits Alpha Females Share That Help Make Them Successful

Independent– being the more dominate in the relationship, she doesn’t believe in being passive. She has a take-charge attitude that demands respect in the business/work environment. They believe in equality among the sexes and won’t minimize her powerful characteristics to please a man. These women are definitely not a force to be reckoned with. 

Career Driven– alpha women are mainly entrepreneurs or require careers that validate her self worth and independence.  She feels there is nothing better than a career to showcase her smarts and talents for everyone to see. They’ll take on roles such as politicians, professors, doctors, lawyers, business owners, etc.

Confidence– another trait that makes alpha women stand out from the rest. Many confuse an alpha women confidence for being too cocky, stuck up or bossy. This is something she cannot help and does not let negativity toward her confidence slow her down. In fact she believes no one can perform the job better than her and take on extremely difficult and meaningful tasks others wouldn’t try to perform. She needs validation from no one.

Ambitious– as a natural leader, she thrives off a good challenge and often looks for more ways to take her business or career to the next level. She’s constantly on her toes keeping up with the latest trends for her work and almost never second guesses herself.  She’s not selfish and enjoys encouraging and helping others in their journey.

What common traits do you think alpha females have? 

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