Easy Homemade Marinara Sauce With Fresh Tomatoes

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Homemade Marinara Sauce

Homemade Marinara Sauce The other night I was cleaning out my fridge and found a pint and a half of sweet grape tomatoes that I forgot I had.  They were still fresh and I didn’t want to waste them. I decided to try my hand at making homemade marinara sauce for use with a pasta dish later on in the week.

Boy, was I surprised at how easy the sauce was to make. Plus, using fresh tomatoes instead of canned tomatoes made it healthier and tastier than the jar stuff I buy. I see no reason to buy jarred stuff every again because this was absolutely delicious!

I usually add my own seasoning and fresh herbs to the pasta sauce I buy so I had an idea of the flavor I was going for.  In addition to the ingredients below, you can vary the flavor by adding olives, basil, red wine, heavy cream, or other fresh veggies like carrots, mushroom, or bell peppers. Give this recipe a try and be sure to tell me how it went!

Recipe for Homemade Marinara Sauce

  • 1-2 pints of fresh grape tomatoes, you can use other tomatoes as well but I like grape tomatoes because they have some sweetness to them.  If you use whole tomatoes,  you need at least 4-6 to make two  to three cups of sauce.
  • Three cloves of garlic (more or less depending on how much you like garlic)
  • Salt, Pepper, Oregano to taste
  • Tablespoon of olive oil
  • One medium onion, sliced
  • Parsley – about a tablespoon
  • Paprika for a smokey flavor
  • Half a cup of chicken stock or water for a vegetarian option — Thanks to @Nina_Terrero  on Instagram for this tip!
  • Cayenne pepper for a kick (optional)


  1. Saute onions and garlic in the olive oil until they become translucent (shiny). Season.
  2. Add tomatoes and the rest of the ingredients. Allow to cook on medium for about 15 minutes if you’re in a rush, or simmer for about an hour. If using large tomatoes you’ll need more time to simmer. Tip: Don’t overcook the tomatoes as it takes the freshness and flavor out of it. Plus it reduces the healthiness of it!
  3. Pulse everything in your blender, or,  if you have a food processor use that for a thicker sauce.   I used my blender and it was just fine.
  4. Taste and add additional seasoning, if necessary.
  5. Enjoy with Italian sausage, over chicken Parmesan, meatballs, or more.
  6. Make a double batch and freeze your sauce in these great Mason Jars  mason jars with lids.

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