Finally, Some Balance In My Life!

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Peacock Pillow from World Market

Balance in life

Shhhh, listen….

Do you hear that?  It’s silence.  It’s me in my house, living it up, by myself, lavishing in the moment.   I am actually working without interruption because the kids are all back in school and I don’t have to worry about keeping them entertained day in and day out. Instead, I am having conference calls at my desk rather than in a closet somewhere squinting to take notes in the dark.  This summer, I found myself hiding in the most unusual places during conference calls because at any moment, one of those kids would run into my office causing me to jump up so fast before the other person heard what was going on.  It was either one child screaming and crying about something, another one whining talking about, “Mom, I need an iPad” and all the reasons why, or it was, “Mommy! [So and so] is putting his boogers on me!”  

None of that is taking place today because I am on a new schedule and routine.  I reduced my work schedule at the office to two days a week.  The other days I’m working from home. Although the new schedule has been in place for three weeks already, I hardly noticed it just because I had been catching up on a backlog of work. Long days getting the inaugural Niche Mommy Conference off the ground and wrapped up left a few things on the back burner.

But now, I actually have some “extra time” on my hands.  And today it actually hit me.  My life is not chaotic or hectic.  Even if for the moment,  I am in a period of that elusive work-life balance that most moms are trying to achieve. It may not be around for long, but it’s here and I’m going to enjoy every moment of it.  Although the wheels are already turning to get things moving for #NicheMommy13, that feeling of time being the enemy is no longer here.

Yesterday, I found myself shutting down my computer at a reasonable time, I made it to the gym, took my daughter to gymnastics, and enjoyed some downtime with the kids after school.

So what will I do with my “extra time.” Well, I’ve got some plans.

First things first, I’ll be posting on Justice Jonesie more often.  I did the math today and I usually write between four to five blog posts a week.  If I’m lucky, one of those posts may land on Justice Jonesie.  I love contributing on other sites but I can’t neglect my baby here.  Today I spent a few hours tweaking the site, changing around my widgets, fixing some code, and making some background improvements. I will picking up Monday Motivations and Flashback Fridays again.

Next up, the garden area to my “home office” a.k.a. the back yard patio, is getting a make-over.  We ordered new patio furniture and will be finalizing phase two of our backyard makeover that started last summer.  Peacocks, bright colors, and lime trees will replace leather and dark mahogany furniture at my office.  Some of the furniture has already arrived and I’m already feeling spoiled.  I’ll share the final makeover soon.

Finally, back to the gym I go.  Because of my car accident in May, I was not able to work out for several months.  Last week, my skinny jeans called telling me they wanted me back and the scale at the gym called me gross.  It’s time to do something about the extra weight I gained. No running just yet but I bought some roller blades this summer and my yoga mat has been dusted off.

work/life balance


So now that I have some time, it’s officially time to get back to it – life that is.   I have finally, found a moment of work-life balance and I can’t tell you how much I am looking forward to it!

What do you enjoy doing when you find yourself with some free time on your hands? 


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