Finding The Right Nanny For Your Family

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Finding the Perfect Nanny for Your Family via @JusticeJonesie

Finding the Perfect Nanny for Your Family via @JusticeJonesie

If you could create the “perfect nanny”, what qualities would she have? And what would you do to keep her? The working mom’s hunt for just the right person to care for her child(ren) sometimes is an exhausting and confusing journey.  Guest contributor, Entrice Rowe, a mom of four under seven (two of them toddler age twins!) shares her tips for finding the right nanny for your family.

Being a mama of four precious little ones under the age of 7, I’ve come to have a great deal of experience in this department. Finding the right nanny for your family is almost like adding a new member to your family so you are going to want to make sure that you get it right.  Here are some tried and true tips that have worked for my family that I hope will save you time and money.

First things first, you have to know your needs:

Are you looking for full time or part-time help? What do you expect your Nanny to do during the day? To me these questions are so important. You have to make a list of things that are non-negotiable.  For me it was having a Christian nanny, someone who would show patience and love my children as if they were hers (you can definitely tell whether or not people have a true gift if you know what to look for).

Second manage your expectations:

Know that you are hiring someone to primarily take care of your children. We can’t expect the nanny to clean our whole house, do all of the errands and shopping, and teach our children everything they need to know about life. If you have small children I suggest that your nanny’s primary responsibilities are taking care of the children first, which usually includes dressing, meal preparation, children’s laundry and toy pick up. If there is extra time our nanny will occasionally help me with household projects. I have found through trial and error if you put too many responsibilities on your nanny you can run the risk of nanny burn out. You will find that most individuals are either really good at taking care of your kids or running your household you will have to decide which is more important to you.

Third communicate, communicate, and communicate:

All great relationships stay great with proper communication.  I find checking in with my nanny daily as well as a sit down every few months to make sure she is emotionally healthy and still happy working for us serves us very well.  I respect her time and she does the same for me. Remember this is a person who is going to love and nurture your children; you want to keep her happy.  Be sure to work out time off as well as things she can and cannot use or have in your home.  Clear communication leads to longevity!

There are so many avenues you can take from hiring an agency, to signing up for an online service, and finally using word of mouth. Word of mouth worked best for us.

How did you find your nanny?


Entrice Rowe, Guest Blogger Justice Jonesie

About the Contributor:  Entrice Rowe is a daughter, wife, and mother to four precious children. Entrice is
passionate about helping women uncover who they are through self-discovery and faith in God. It brings Entrice great joy to see women realize their purpose and walk it out in their daily lives.

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