What is Florida KidCare? A guide for Florida families

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What is Florida KidCare? A guide for Florida families

I’ll never forget the year that both my husband and I were self-employed and we had to figure out how to afford health insurance for our family of five. It was 2013 and we were searching for affordable health and dental insurance options. It took me almost 16 hours (two full working days) to figure out one thing. Our monthly insurance premiums were going to cost us a lot more than we anticipated. It was a scary and stressful time for us as we tried to figure out how to keep our kids covered and healthy. With three school-aged children who were also active in sports, we had to figure something out. Eventually, six months later, I went back to full-time employment and we were eligible to receive a group plan through my employer. With the rising cost of health insurance in this country, many parents may find themselves in a similar situation.

Through Florida KidCare, qualifying Florida parents can rest easier knowing that there are  affordable health and dental insurance plans available for their children. Florida KidCare includes free, subsidized, and full-pay options based on family income and household size. Most families pay nothing at all, and many pay as little as just $15 or $20 a month for all children in the household. Families who do not qualify for free or subsidized coverage may purchase a competitively priced full-pay plan.

If you are in search for affordable health insurance options for your family, read more below. Have questions, leave them in the comments below and I’ll try to point you in the right direction.

What is Florida KidCare? A guide for Florida families.

What is Florida KidCare? Florida KidCare offers affordable health and dental insurance for Florida children from birth to 18 years of age. Eligible Florida children have access to private, quality health and dental providers. There are four government-sponsored health insurance programs available through Florida KidCare. Those programs include, the following,

  • Medicaid for children (birth to 18 years)
  • MediKids (ages 1-4)
  • Florida Healthy Kids (5 to 18 years)
  • Children’s Medical Services Managed Care Plan (birth to 18 with special healthcare needs)

How do families apply for Florida KidCare? Applying for coverage through Florida KidCare is easy. Parents can apply online, via phone, or connect with an in person application specialist. The application is free. Once parents or guardians complete the free application, Florida KidCare will match families with the right option based on their children’s ages, household size, and family income.

When should families apply for Florida KidCare? Open enrollment is all year, therefore, the time to apply for Florida KidCare is always now.

What health care services are covered under Florida KidCare? Florida KidCare benefits include services such as doctor visits, emergency visits, hospital stays, prescriptions, mental health check-ups, and more.

Who can apply for Florida KidCare? Florida KidCare is open to Florida families regardless of immigration status.  A parent’s immigration status is never asked during the Florida KidCare application, nor is it part of eligibility for a child. The state of Florida protects applicant information.

How much does Florida KidCare cost? It depends. Most families pay nothing at all, and many pay as little as $15 or $20 a month even if one or both parents are working.

What can you do to help get more Florida children insured? There are approximately 2.4 million children already covered by Florida KidCare in Florida to get the health and dental coverage they need. There is still an estimated 257,000 children in Florida that do not have health insurance even though it’s estimated that more than 147,000 of these children are eligible for free or low-cost health insurance coverage through Florida KidCare. Help spread the word to ensure that all Florida children are covered and share this post using one of the share options below. Thank you!



Thanks to Florida KidCare for sponsoring today’s blog post. All opinions are my own.

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