Giuliana Rancic Shows Strength of a Woman

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Giuliana Rancic Shows Strength of a Woman

On the Today Show yesterday, the  E! News co-anchor Guiliana Rancic announced that she will be undergoing a double mastectomy next week.  In October of this year, Guiliana shared the news that she was diagnosed with early stages of breast cancer. The news came as a surprise to many of her fans and for some the announcement was a reality check.  Many tweeted that they were going to start doing their monthly breast exams, other offered their support and prayers.

Since the news broke, I’ve watched Guiliana in several interviews and she never looks scared although you know she is.    You would never be able to tell how much this woman was dealing with on a personal level. Not only is she battling breast cancer, but she has also publicly shared her struggles with infertility, IVF treatments, and miscarriages.  The strength that it must take for her to discuss such personal issues must come from a source deep down inside. One that she probably didn’t even know she had.

Watching her interviews reminds me of the amazing strength that women have.  It’s not just celebrities that we see dealing with so much yet finding the strength to continue on with their daily lives and activities.   I’m sure many of us have found ourselves dealing with something so tough or unimaginable we wonder how or if we will make it through the storm. Yet we manage to deal with it.

I imagine we get our never-ending strength somewhere deep within ourselves, from our faith, or from our (stubborn) determination not to give up.  For myself, it’s a combination of the three and knowing that I really don’t have a choice but to deal with it so I better just do the best that I can.  I also pull my strength from knowing that other women have dealt with similar struggles, and have pulled through, with a smile on their face, and courage that leads them forward. Others have had to endure even more than I have or continue to face challenges. I see these women as sources of inspiration; just knowing what they have survived helps me know that I can also make it through.

There are also two quotes that I refer back to when I feel like I’ve reached my limit or feel like I just want to give up.  I share them with you today, hoping that they offer you a quick pick me up or a source of encouragement.

“The strength of a woman can carry the  weight of the world.” – Sarah Pezdek-Smith

“A woman is like a teabag, you never know how strong she is until she gets into hot water.”–  Eleanor Roosevelt

What keeps you going when faced with a challenge?


Image via E!News Online 

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