Tips for Him: How to Avoid Razor Bumps Caused by Shaving

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Tips for Him to Prevent Razor Bumps Caused by Shaving.


Tips for Him: How to Prevent Razor Bumps Caused by Shaving.

If it were up to my husband, he would avoid shaving.* His face is really sensitive and he struggles from razor bumps and ingrown facial hair. My husband is not alone. It is estimated that up to 80% of African American men suffer from razor bumps at some point during their lives.  A simple solution is to grow a full beard, but not everyone wants that look. To avoid razor bumps, we have learned that the right product, ingredients, and technique is key to preventing red, irritated skin. I say we because I have been through this discovery journey with him.

When I met my husband we were 19 and juniors in college. I remember him wanting so bad to grow a goatee but his face was baby smooth. He was the late bloomer in his family. He hit his growth spurt in college and didn’t really have to start shaving until much later. Fast forward to age 37 and his goatee is still slow to grow.  He does have to shave regularly but his facial hair grows thick in some areas and is sparse in others.

The good news is that there are affordable products that will help treat and prevent. You don’t have to have expensive hair removal procedures or buy high-end department store lines. His favorite is The Neutrogena Men® Razor Defense® line. It’s a great product that retails at an affordable price, ranging from about $4.95 to $6.95. Read why it’s awesome below and other tips to avoid razor bumps caused by shaving facial hair. 

Tips for Him: How to Prevent Razor Bumps Caused by Shaving.

How to Avoid Razor Bumps Caused by Shaving Facial Hair

Ingredients are key. Use products that use key ingredients that help sensitive skin. The Neutrogena Men® Razor Defense® line is a great product and retails at an affordable price. The line is made specifically to help prevent and treat razor irritation, minimizes nicks and cuts and, over time, actually helps make skin less sensitive. Avoid using products with sodium lauryl sulfate. And if anything burns the face, just say no! Products should not burn or sting after or before a shave.

Use only, clean, and sharp razors.  Avoid dull razors or rusty razors. Make sure there’s a built-in aloe strip and/or vitamin E.  A fresh razor gives men a close shave making skin less prone to irritation.

Use a soothing shaving cream and never dry shave.  It’s so tempting to grab a razor when you’re in a hurry and just shave. Men should wash their face first to soften skin and open pores. My husband loves the Neutrogena Men® Sensitive Skin Shave Cream. It is specially formulated to work on contact to calm, soothe and help protect sensitive skin. Using a Pro-SootheTM Technology, his razor bumps and ingrown hairs have improved giving his skin an overall healthy look. Using it makes a huge difference.

Shave in direction that hair grows. Some men shave against growth and get a smoother shave.  For men that suffer from razor bumps, however, shaving in direction of hair growth helps reduce irritation. 

Moisturize. After shaving, use a moisturizer that contain vitamins. The Razor Defense® Face Lotion also helps to tackle razor irritation. Men should use it after shaving. 

Look for Glycerin. Before shaving, use glycerin as it helps to prevent razor bumps and cuts and reduces  razor irritation.

Soy. Soy is a soothing, anti-irritant that softens the face and the hair.

The bottom line is that prevention is key when it comes to avoiding irritated skin.  I’m glad I was able to him my husband find the right products for his skin. It’s easy for me to guide him in the right direction on using products formulated for their skin.

Does your husband suffer from sensitive skin when shaving? Or are you a guy that has some tips? Share in comments below!

*This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with NEUTROGENA MEN® and Latina Bloggers Connect. I only recommend products we use and love. Hope you’ll love them too!


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