Teaching Children Mexican Culture During Hispanic Heritage Month

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Teaching Children Mexican Culture During Hispanic Heritage Month

Hispanic Heritage Month kicked off September 15 and I have been using this as an opportunity to honor our Mexican roots with the children. There are a number of ways to teach children about Hispanic culture.  Immersing them in the culture in order to fully understand it is a great way to do so. Of course, that’s not a possibility for everyone.  We were lucky to have done this seven years ago when we spent a summer abroad in Mexico. The children were 5, 6, and 9, good ages to build lasting memories and old enough to appreciate the experience. While we were there, we enrolled the children in a two-week dual-language summer camp. Students in the school were learning to speak either English or Spanish.  All children had lessons in Mexican culture and history. We still talk about our trip all the time and I know it was a defining moment for the children.

We would love to be able to give our children this sort of experience every summer but financially and logistically, it’s not entirely possible. Thankfully, there are many other ways to teach children about Mexican culture. Doing so during Hispanic Heritage Month is a great time of year to incorporate some of these fun activities.

My children after a lesson in piñata making at their school in Mexico.

Three Simple Ideas for Teaching Children About Mexican Culture During Hispanic Heritage Month

1) Incorporate some Mexican dishes into your meal plan throughout the month. Discuss the different ingredients and talk about the flavors. Some easy to make recipes include these tasty Bocoles de Frijol (Masa and Pinto Bean Cakes), my famous Meat Empanadas that my children love, or make a Mexican Style Pizza and adapt the toppings according to your child’s taste.

2) Have a lesson about unique Mexican holidays.  Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), Los Santos Reyes (Three Kings Day), and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe are some of the big celebrations that Mexicans honor.

3) Do Mexican crafts with your children. Teach your children about the history of the Mexican flag then have them create one of their own.  Homemade pinatas are always fun to do.  Or you can make these miniature paintings in preparation for Day of the Dead. Check out my Pinterest board with other great ideas.

How do you celebrate Hispanic Culture During Hispanic Heritage Month?


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