It’s Time To Shape Up!!

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Ever since my car accident last year I have had a hard time working out and staying in shape. As a result, I gained a few extra pounds. In fact, my skinny jeans wrote me an email telling me how much they miss our outings and cute pumps I usually pair them with for a night on the town.

So it’s time to get my act together. Although I’m still not able to run or workout like I once use to, I am able to do some physical activity. The only problem is that the activity I can do does not burn as many calories that I would be burning  if I were running, biking, or doing TRX, for example. Activities I loved to do pre-accident. So the weight loss is slow going and it sucks!

After finally trying to do this on my own for six months, I’m taking another route. I hired a personal trainer and while I am losing some inches here are there, I’m not physically seeing the results I once use to.  When I ran, I would drop and tone down in what seemed like six weeks.  I have another solution.  There are supplements I could take to help stimulate my metabolism to help me tone up. Nothing drastic at all.  No way. Just a boost.   I know there are dangerous products and I would never use them.  But there are natural, healthy solutions to help me jump start weight-loss.  I have tried natural supplements before and I was surprised that they worked to help curb my cravings for some foods. They also helped me with a boost of energy before or during a long run.

The important thing is that regardless of what you do, or how active you are, nutrition and making healthy food choices are the most important part of shaping up and slimming down. So while I’m back in the gym three days a week, I’ve changed a few things about what I eat. And for the days that I’m not in the gym, I will be walking the dog a few extra blocks or standing at my desk while I work. Moving around is going to be a bigger part of my day. I’ll be keeping track of my steps with my pedometer and I’ll be reporting back soon with some healthy recipes and options for anyone else looking for low calorie options to foods they enjoy.

Stay tuned for more!

FTC Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.  


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