Keep Your Skin Clear This Winter

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How to keep face clear in winter

As winter sets in, many of us may be wondering how we can combat dry skin and stress-induced breakouts this winter. Winter season and holiday preparations are certainly stressful.  And because you are running around, you may be sleeping less, rushing through meals, or not getting in that much needed cardio workout — all things known to induce breakouts. To keep your skin clear and feeling fresh, consider incorporating a healthy cleansing routine. Below I share some tips to keep your face clear and fresh in the winter because no one wants that uninvited “guest” at the holiday table or in your holiday picture!

Keep Your Skin Clear This Winter With These Simple Steps

How to keep face clear in winter

  • Cleansing routines that work best for me include a simple two or three-step process.  I wash my face every night using a cleanser that is made with natural products.  Then, I follow up with a toner and lastly, I use an oil-free moisturizer.
  • I rotate my cleanser every few days with a product that is a little stronger and has soft scrubbing cleansers. This method allows cutting through the oil.  I  like the  Neutrogena Pink Grapefruit foaming scrub pictured above. It includes maximum-strength acne medicine, salicylic acid. I love the way this makes my face feel. However, I  don’t use this daily since my skin dries out easily.
  • For those nights where I am just too exhausted from all the running around, I love the convenience of the Neutrogena Daily Use Cleansing Wipes.  One cloth and all my make-up is gone.  The wipes are also the perfect solution for on-the-go use so I keep some in my car for days where I have been running around like a madwoman and need a mid-day refresher.  The wipes sweep away pore-clogging dirt and oil in one simple step. No water needed.
  • Important to keeping your skin fresh and radiant looking is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and of course, drink at least 3-4 bottles of water per day or 40 oz.
  • Finally, get moving with cardio! Cardio helps you sweat which in turn release toxins from your pores. End result is clearer skin and less breakouts.

What are your tips for keeping your skin clear during the winter?  Share in comments or tweet me @JusticeJonesie using #FreshSkin.

This post is compensated in collaboration with Neutrogena and Latina Bloggers Connect.

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