Keeping Kids Active In Winter- Eight FUN Ideas!

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8 Fun Ideas to Keep Kids Active in Winter

Snow days, freezing weather, and school cancellations means many winter days inside for children. Parents may be wondering how to give children the activity they need despite extreme temperatures and a long holiday break. Not only are the kids cooped up but so are you. When children don’t get enough activity behavior problems may begin. Emotions may run high and before you know it, the sibling bickering may seem like an all day sporting event.  When kids gets enough activity not only are they in a better mood but they are more likely to sleep better at night and interact well with siblings.

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And just like adults, children are surrounded by holiday treats like cookies, pies, and sugary delights!  What can parents do to make sure their children are getting enough activity? Read below for some fun ideas, great for the whole family!

Here are 8 FUN ideas for Keeping Kids Active in Winter!

  1. Create an indoor obstacle course. Jump over pillows, hop up stairs, crawl under chairs and time yourselves. Invite the dog to get in on the fun too!
  2. Do some fun holiday crafts.  Here’s my Pinterest board full of holiday crafting ideas.
  3. Do some indoor yoga with the kids.
  4. Play Ring around the Rosy. A classic game but lots of fun.
  5. Get the pets involved! Play indoor catch with the dog. A classic but fun way to get active with the dog and kids. Make sure the kids use a soft ball so as to not cause any damage.
  6. Play Just Dance or Wii Sports. This is so fun, and easy to do.  Try the Just Sweat challenge for some kid friendly cardio challenge!
  7. Go ice skating. You don’t have stay indoors when it’s cold. Go have fun outside or in an indoor ice skating rink.
  8. Have a snowball fight.  Thirty minutes of this and everyone is ready to relax with some hot chocolate, with low-fat milk of course!

Active children are healthier children which makes for a happier family during this cold winter!

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What are some ways you keep kids active during the winter?

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