Making the Commitment to Safe Driving

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I remember being 16 and studying really hard for my driver’s license test. I didn’t want to just pass, I wanted to make a score of 100%.  Forme, it was not so much about being a super safe driver. It was really about earning some bragging rights with my girlfriends.  We were a smart bunch and a slightly competitive bunch too.

This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and State Farm.  However, all opinions expressed are my own.

Call me crazy but I don’t nimagine that many Teen boys will be motivated to make a perfect score.  Perhaps that’s just the case for my son. I’m not sure.  As I prepare for him to start the learner’s permit process, I can see him aiming for a passing score.
As a parent, I know it’s not about the score. It’s about being a safe and responsible driver.  With the help of State Farm, families now have the help and resources available where tweens and teens are naturally consuming content—online. You can access that information by visiting the Teen Driver Safety Website at  There parents can explore a comprehensive website, which is filled with free tools, tips, and resources designed to help teens and their parents throughout the learning-to-drive process.

If you are the parent of a child that will soon be driving, go ahead and take a moment to browse around the website.  You’ll be glad you did!

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