6 Tips for Making Time for Yourself as a Busy Mom

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6 Tips for Making Time for Yourself as a Busy Mom

When you’re a busy mom of young kids and multiples, it’s hard to make time or even find time for yourself. But as the saying goes, a happy mom is a happy family.  Making time for yourself as a busy mom is so important for you mental health and well being. Our guest writer below shares how she enjoyed taking a day off recently with Ladies Day Off of Jacksonville and some tips for making time for yourself.

Mom's Day Off: Taking Time for Yourself as a Busy Mom

As busy moms and women we spend a good amount of our time caring for loved ones as well as helping coworkers and friends. Caring for others can leave you feeling a bit overwhelmed and tired. How do we find time to recharge so that we can give of ourselves freely? The founders of Ladies Day Off have found a solution. I had the pleasure of attending a lovely event founded by three women who saw the need for women to have the opportunity to step away from their daily responsibilities to meet up with girl friends and enjoy a day of pampering and supporting other like minded women.

Ladies Day Off brought a fun filled day to the Queen’s Harbor Country Club in Jacksonville, FL. From the moment I stepped into this event I felt welcomed. I received a swag bag filled with goodies and met some really nice women. From the “hors d’oeuvres” to the mini spa services offered by Aveda Institute Jacksonville (I had the mini manicure) I definitely felt pampered. Three hundred women stepped out to enjoy a day of shopping  and relaxation. There were a number of vendors that offered goods and services that all catered to the needs of women. I even booked a Pampered Chef party while I was there. Last but not least Ladies Day Off ended the day with a wonderful raffle with all proceeds donated to Susan G. Koman breast cancer foundation. One very lucky woman won a 1 Night staycation at Omni Jacksonville Hotel as well as Dinner for two at Juliette’s Bistro.

Thank you to the founders of Ladies Day Off for your vision and thank you for bringing your event to Jacksonville.

6 Tips for Making Time for Yourself as a Busy Mom

1. Schedule a set day and time of the week that’s devoted to you. Even one hour a week out will do wonders for you but if you can do two hours you’ll feel like you’re on a mini-vacation. Put that day/time on your calendar (as a recurring event).

2. Book your day/time in your calendar and let the whole family know this your time/day to take time for yourself. Make it a point not to cancel or plan other events. It’s so easy to use that time for something else the family needs like taking your child to this place or that place.

3. Don’t over think what you’ll do during your free time. Sometimes just the freedom of knowing this is your time to stare at the sky or read your favorite gossip mags with your favorite latte is all you need to get recharged.

4. Don’t let guilt take over. The kids may cry, the husband may even complain. That’s fine. Not everyone likes it when mom spends time for  herself but they don’t have to. You need this time so don’t let guilt or anyone talk you out of it!

5. Schedule your must do tasks for early in the morning. Prepping for dinner while the kids are eating breakfast or catching their afternoon nap is a great way to set aside time for yourself later on. It also helps make late afternoon (what I called the witching hour when my kids were toddlers) go smoother.

6. Don’t be afraid to say no. It’s so easy to say yes to someone that asks for  help, but we have to sometimes say now. I knew that signing up for PTA, classroom mom, etc. was going to be too much for my schedule. So I did what I could. Usually that was one or two hours a month in the classroom or at school.

Share your tips with us in the comments. How do you make time for yourself as a busy mom? 

Taking Time for Yourself as a Busy Mom

Taking Time for Yourself as a Busy Mom

Taking Time for Yourself as a Busy Mom


Entrice Rowe, Guest Blogger Justice Jonesie

About the Contributor:  Entrice Rowe is a daughter, wife, and mother to four precious children. Entrice is
passionate about helping women uncover who they are through self-discovery and faith in God. It brings Entrice great joy to see women realize their purpose and walk it out in their daily lives.

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