Missing Mexico

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It seems like years ago that I was in Mexico with the kids. Having just gone there myself a few weeks ago, I missed the time I spent there with the kids. All I could think about was that I really wanted to go back to create more life-long memories.

It was 2011, the kids were just 5, 6, and 10 and we wanted them to experience a part of the world they have never been to but where my family is from. They were excited. I think only my oldest really understood where we were going. The younger two just wanted to make sure they had kids to play with and fun things to do. They were going to do a bilingual summer camp so they were excited.

When we arrived to Mexico, I could see them taking it all in. Mexico City is a huge city, one of the most populated cities in the world.  The largest they have ever been to. We went to all the historic areas, we ate authentic food, we walked around, we did all we could do those first few days.

Few days later, we got on a charter bus towards San Miguel de Allende where we would spend three weeks in a very small colonial town. We walked every day exploring the town, finding things to do. Going up and down the paved roads of the historic town we met new people, played in the park, laughed at the clowns in the town square. It was at the town square where we met two little girls that we often gave food or pesos to. We would look for them and they would look for us.We ate pan dulce every day, finding a new bakery at almost every corner.

Although it’s been four years, we talk about the trip often. It created that experience I hope my kids would never forget. 

Thinking back, I remember now how my youngest complained about the walking. He also got tired of “trying to speak Mexican” at camp. He was only 5 so I understood the walking was not so easy for him. As for the Spanish, well, he got over it once the field trips and the new friends were made.

It’s been four years and I so want that experience again for my kids. I would love to see them remember our favorite places, take it all in with a new, more mature perspective. I miss Mexico terribly and hope that we’ll be back soon.



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