Monday Motivation: Life is a Series of Reboots

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I love what Katie Couric recently said during her interview with Parade Magazine.  Life is a series of reboots, right? Either by choice or necessity. Change is still incredibly energizing and exciting.”   During the interview in Parade, Katie spoke about losing her husband to cancer, career changes, and of course, her upcoming new talk show.  With all that Katie has endured in the past and her positive outlook on life, I could not help feeling energized about her attitude and drive.

Recently, I had the opportunity to hear Katie speak live during her keynote at BlogHer 2012.  Being in the room with her while she spoke gave me a different outlook on the Katie that I had watched report the news for many years.  I was live blogging the keynote for BlogHer and I listened and typed intently as Katie spoke with Lisa Stone about how she overcame the many changes she experienced in her own life.  I kept finding myself nodding my head and feeling empowered by the idea that we can take control of our attitude and outlook on life by remembering that change can be good. The idea of looking at changes and transitions in our life as opportunities for growth and fresh starts, is in fact, refreshing.  Life can be so unexpected and unpredictable at times that if you are always upset when things do not go as planned you may find yourself not enjoying your life to the fullest. Katie Couric at BlogHerI can think of several opportunities where I wish things had gone differently and I found myself regretting what did/did not happen over what I hoped would have happened.  I found myself focusing on what I would have changed and harboring over something I couldn’t do anything about.  Wallowing in the “what ifs” and the “should haves.”  I had to snap myself out of the wallowing and remind myself that there was no point in it all. It’s like living with regret.

As we start this new week, let’s remember to look at it as an opportunity to reboot. Rebooting doesn’t only have to take place for major changes like a new job or a new school year.  We can use Monday as an opportunity to reboot from last week. Or maybe you got a new pair of jeans, new running shoes, yoga pants, or just something new and different.  All of these little changes give us a chances to start fresh and just reboot.

Have a great week!

Image credit: Ivy Shih Leung

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