Paleo Update & Diet Plans

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Paleo Update & Diet Plans

A few weeks ago I mentioned that I was going to take the Paleo challenge to see if I could get my arms looking more any thing like Jada’s.    I did the Paleo diet for two full weeks and lost four pounds while doing it.  I didn’t eat dairy or carbs, or anything unnatural and avoided sugars. At first, I did really good with the plan and followed the rules.    The first few days were  challenging only because I was so used to eating carbs (usually complex carbs) with each meal that I had to get a little creative to fill that spot on my plate.  I felt hungry even though I had a plateful of good food.  After looking up some great carb replacements, and taking a trip to the grocery store, I found that I was all set and ready to go for each meal.

Once I figured out the replacements, the diet was actually not has hard as I thought it would be.   I replaced rice or pasta with spinach or finely chopped cauliflower simmered in chicken broth (soooo good!).  Even while eating out, I found there were always Paleo friendly options on a menu.    So why did I stop after two weeks?  Not really sure.  One day I had a craving for a whole wheat bagel with my egg-white omelette.  I caved to my craving and took a few bites here and there.  Before I knew it, I ate half of the bagel and I didn’t combust into a puff of cellulite smoke.  Few days later, I had a few spoons of rice with my meal, then a few days later I ordered a skinny cappuccino at Starbucks.  It tasted soooo good and creamy I was in heaven.  I couldn’t figure out I was depriving myself of such goodness. The occaisional tall cappuccino, no whip,  skim milk, with a dash of cinnamon, and two splenda never hurt anybody.  Right? I sure felt that way until I saw Jada on the View and instantly hated myself for quitting.  (QUITTER!)

I had to snap out of beating myself up and remind myself that I was already on the right path.  Even though I didn’t stick this diet out the entire 30 days (what is 30 days anyhow?), I now know that I can eat less carbs and still enjoy a meal.  Also, eating more natural foods has given me a good burst of energy.  I think that overall, if I want my arms to look anything like Jada’s I have to do more push ups, more bicep curls, and also, eat healthy, well rounded meals and be patient with results.   I don’t even know if Jada eats carbs or not but working out and fitness is not rocket science.  Stick to a healthy meal plan, a good fitness routine, and be consistent in whatever you do.

I also know that strict diet plans are not for me.  But I love to work out.  What I need is a consistent work out plan. A few years ago I consistently did power yoga three to five times a week (while eating all the healthy carbs I wanted) and I  was eight pounds lighter than I am now.  I think I’m going to go back to that plan and enjoy my occasional cappuccino and bagel in the process!

Do you have a diet plan that works for you? If so, please share!



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