So you’ve decided to start running. First, congratulate yourself on making the decision and second, get ready to feel awesome both physically and mentally. Running is something that seems so daunting to many people (including myself at one time). But with the right program, positive attitude, and determination, you will find yourself looking forward to your next run and may become a little obsessed with things such as pace and distance.
This week’s post is a summary of how to get started in training for a running program. If you are reading this you have most likely found a race that you will or have already signed up for, and you don’t know where to begin. What do you need? How do you start? Well, we’ll cover that today.
Disclosure: I am not a licensed physical trainer or expert runner. Although I may consider the following good and useful information, your doctor or trainer may not. So please, consult your doctor before starting any fitness routine, including running!
5 Tips on How to Get Started Running
- Dr. Check-up: Schedule an appointment with your doctor. Running can take the wind out of you, literally. So first thing you want to do is confirm that you are in good health to start and that your doctor approves. Keep this in mind, you are not too old, too slow, or too out of shape to start training. During my 15k and the half, I saw women women 20 and 30 years older pass me on the route. Now that’s inspiration!
- Running Shoes: Next, you need new running shoes that haven’t logged any miles yet. Did you know that you could injure yourself running in old shoes? Or the wrong type of shoes? Yes, you certainly can and the injuries can be painful, debilitating, and require you to stop running. No bueno. Most coaches will advise you to get new kicks designed specifically for the type of running you will be doing. (In other words, don’t get cross-fit shoes or aerobic shoes.) You should also buy these shoes when you start training for a new race. Shoes are only good for about 300-400 miles depending on your path, weight, and training plan. You don’t want to introduce anything new into your routine close to race day and that includes new sneakers. Therefore, save yourself pain and discomfort now and start fresh with some new kicks. You should also note that not all running shoes are made equal. Some are for running indoors, others for running on rocky paths. You may want to consider getting fitted for the right type of shoes as well. Getting fitted is free and ensures you buy the right type of shoe. Take a look at the The Best Running Shoes for women. My favorite running shoe is made by Newton .
- Training Schedule/Plan: You want to find a credible and realistic training schedule or plan and stick to it. You don’t need a running coach to start training but if you can afford one, I say go for it. With my last race I had a consultation with a coach and kept in contact weekly with check-ins and feedback. After our consult, he recommended a 12 week Fartlek training program that included four days of running and two days of strength for 12 weeks. Even though I was already physically active (doing yoga and cardio regularly), he started me out very slowly. Keep in mind though, you do not need a coach. There are many excellent free or low cost training programs available on the web and you can join a running club in your city. Still, I have met many runners that train alone with no help and have always done so.
- Check out these running resources that offer good running programs.
- Runner’s World: Training programs for beginners, experts, and everyone in between.
- The Couch-to-5k (C25k) is a popular program for new race runners. A 5k is a good 3 mile race. There is also a great app for this program so be sure to check it out and download it onto your smartphone.
- First half-marathon training schedule.
- Motivating Music: I like to run and work out to music. If you plan to do the same, create a playlist and get motivated. Get some good running headphones that won’t fall out when you sweat and then pump up the tunes. I use Amazon Music Unlimited
to create and get beast mode playlists for running.
These are my tips to get started running. What questions do you have?
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