San Miguel de Allende – A Piece of Heaven

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San Miguel de Allende – A Piece of Heaven
Typical Street in San Miguel


We are on day four of San Miguel (SAM).  It’s exactly what I thought it would be – heaven!  There is a large artisan community here.  Many beautiful fabric, tile, and furniture galleries, warehouses, and boutiques.  When you add the natural and historic beauty to all this talent, it’s no wonder why everything about SAM is beautiful. The streets, the architecture, the flowers.  Just beautiful! I love architecture and anything interior design related so I am absolutely in heaven here.    Today we found a store that sold the most beautiful pieces of furniture, light fixtures,  huge ceramic pieces and more.  If you watch Million Dollar Decorators this place is probably on Martyn’s list of galleries to visit to buy a unique and “absolutely marvelous” piece that he travels around the globe to find for his clients.

Just take a look:

A room full of door and cabinet handles! I died!
These light fixtures -- amazing!
This cabinet was about 9 feet tall!

Meanwhile, the kids are doing great with their spanish! Even better than I thought.  They are learning phrases and asking how to say this and that.  They will start art and spanish classes soon and I think this will really accelerate the process.  There are some really great summer day camps that have both Mexican and American children but those are a little out of my budget.  I may do one week of that camp and something more economical the rest of the time. Even without camp there is still so much for them to do.  Just being here is a camp of its own.

We have been walking, and walking, and walking up and down hills.  I’m hoping that some of this walking is burning off a little bit of all this food I’ve been indulging in because in addition to everything else, the food is just delicious!! You can find very traditional colonial Mexican food to gourmet American.  Hard to say no to all the choices.  I’m trying to watch what I eat because I do not want to go home gordita.  Nope, not me!


Chilaquiles con heuvo


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