Dear Santa, We Still Believe In You…

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Still Believe in Santa

Do your kids still believe in Santa Clause? Mine do! We still write our letters to Santa and even leave him a little gift.  I was having a chat with a girlfriend the other day that shared that she was criticized for “feeding into” the Santa Clause story with her children.  I have heard of some moms disputing whether or not telling their kids about Santa was a good or bad idea.  I never understood the harm in believing and celebrating Santa Clause but would never think to criticize a mom that does not.  In our home, my children know that Jesus is the reason for the season and we celebrate giving because God gave us Jesus.  Then there is Santa, the jolly old man that gives children around the world toys and other gifts for the holidays. And for those children that don’t have access to Santa, we donate new or gently used toys to our church and schools that run toy drives.

Despite what you may or may not believe in your house, I say we all stick to what works in your house.  I once had a family member tell my oldest son that Santa did not exist.  Not only was he upset, but so was I.  My son was crushed.  I asked that family member to come up with a story to take it back.  It was not his place to tell my son whether Santa was real or not.

Adults are not the only ones trying to ruin the Santa story for others. I have had other children ask my kids too.  I have heard children chat among themselves trying to figure it all out.   My response to my kids or those that are doubtful, you have to believe to receive! Seemed to always do the trick for my house.


Do your kids still believe in Santa?  If so, how do you handle other people telling them Santa is not real?

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