An “Aha” Moment On Parenting – Thank You Subaru!

Home / Lifestyle / An “Aha” Moment On Parenting – Thank You Subaru!
kids washing car with dad

black dad in subaru commercial

Parenting style. One of those topics that can get as heated as a discussion on politics or religion. You don’t question someone else’s style, and you don’t want anyone questioning yours. (I learned my lesson on that the hard way.)

As I go through my own journey in parenthood, I have tapped into a variety of sources to try and discover the right fit.   I  have taken the recommendation of friends, cousins, my mom, mother-in-law, etc.  I have also read  skimmed books on various parenting styles and implemented the techniques of experts.  The more time that passes, however, the more I feel like I still don’t know what I’m doing or what works best.

And then I saw this Subaru commercial.  In this commercial, you see two of the cutest little boys “washing” the family car.  To some, they are causing extensive damage, possibly even destroying the car.  To others, the two boys are kids just being kids.  Kids that do not understand the full consequences of their actions.  And rather than blow up and have an adult version of a temper tantrum with yelling, stomping, and “losing it” on your kids, (description taken from one book I read), some parents and experts would recommend you react just like the father in this commercial did.

The commercial kind of put it all into perspective for me. I can almost see the father’s wheels spinning as he reminds himself that his boys were only hoping to please him and trying to help.   He could have easily yelled and punished, or, he could have taken a moment to process the chain reaction his outburst would have caused.  His kids would have went from happy to upset to embarrassed and hurt all in one second. Then additional outbursts may have ensued. Finger pointing, disappointments, so on and so forth.

Subaru put it all into perspective for me. I always wonder if I’m giving my children enough allowances for their ages. Am I being too harsh on them?  Keeping my expectations too high?  Sweating the small stuff?  Having outbursts when I should be maintaining composure?  I surprised even my self when my reaction to this commercial was wishing I had the patience and wisdom to respond just like the father did.  Yelling would have been the easy route. Finding a calm way to use the car wash as a teaching opportunity would have been the true test of parenting.

Thank you, Subaru, for this “aha” moment in parenting.

What do you think? Would you have kept your calm and carried on, or do you think you would have lost it with the kids?  

 Click to tweet  An “aha” moment in parenting thanks to @Subaru_Usa via @JusticeJonesie

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