Taking Steps To Pursuing My Empire

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quote by madonna


Lately I’ve been thinking about all the things I still want in my life. The list seems to get longer and longer each time I take a moment to think about it. I realized one day that there are some things I’m afraid to ask for, simply because it seems so far fetched. With so many opportunities out there, what’s stopping me from pursing mine? Nothing except fear of failure.

I realized this a few days ago when reading a magazine about successful business women.  For many of these women, their lives changed with just one good idea. But not all of them experienced success after their first idea.  There were several ideas that didn’t take off or businesses that failed and business loans denied.

They didn’t give up until finally, their ideas took off.  They’ve now written books, launched product lines, starred in television shows, and have graced the covers of many magazines. They are on top most successful lists and motivational speakers helping others pursue their empires.

A woman I think of often is Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx.  She built herself a billion dollar business with just $5,000 and a great idea. Did she ever dream her life would be where it is today? What if she had been too afraid to go after it?

As a momprenuer whose thirst for pursuing her passions just gets stronger and stronger each year, I look at women like Sara as motivation. But now it’s time I take further steps. This weekend, I’m going to sit down and write out my wishlist for empire building. No matter how impossible or far fetched my dreams may seem, I’m going to claim it and start taking steps towards pursuing my dreams. I’m going to update my vision board. One that’s been in my closet for years without any updating. I already have plenty of ideas, now it’s time to start fine tuning them. Stay tuned for more. I’m excited to share!

What female entrepreneurs inspire you?  

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