Tag: beyonce

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Is Beyonce Possessed By Sasha Fierce?

  Fans and media are still buzzing about Beyonce’s mind blowing Super Bowl performance that literally blew the lights out at the Budweiser Super Dome. Following her performance, I read a few articles about Beyonce throwing up the Illuminate symbol while she was dancing.  The symbol has ties to the alleged secret society formed in the late 1700s.  Coincidentally,...

Beyonce Baby Bump in Dress

Beyonce: Money Talks & Other Parents Walk

Like most people, I was excited to learn that Beyonce was pregnant.  During her pregnancy, I tried to catch as many glimpses of her baby bump on the rag mags as I could.  You probably saw me flipping through a magazine or three while I waited to pay for my groceries at Publix.  So when news broke this weekend...