Tag: family

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5 Ideas for Spending Quality Time With Your Child

5 Ideas for Spending Quality Time With Your Child

When you have multiple children and a busy work schedule, it can be hard to spend quality time with your children. As a mom who owns her own business, I can tell you, it’s sometimes a challenge. Usually when I take time off I have to make sure my team can fill-in or that everything...


Why Can’t We Be That Family That Get’s Along?

You know that family where the siblings get along, help each other, are compassionate, patient, and speak to each other in normal voices? That’s not our family. It seems lately that my kids do not know how to communicate with each other without fighting. When I was thinking about this a few weeks ago I realized...

One Birthday Candle

The Other Side of A Cancer Diagnosis

                    It’s been a hell of a six weeks over at the Jonesie household. Six weeks ago, a week before Christmas to be exact, we found out my dad has cancer.  Renal cell carcinoma to be specific.  In plain English  that means cancer of the kidney....