Tag: Fitness

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Woman Running

5 Tips on How to Get Started Running

So you’ve decided to start running. First, congratulate yourself on making the decision and second, get ready to feel awesome both physically and mentally.   Running is something that seems so daunting to many people (including myself at one time).  But with the right program, positive attitude, and  determination, you will find yourself looking forward to...


3 Tips For Shopping for New Running Shoes

So you’ve taken that first step to becoming a runner and you find that in order to properly run you need a new pair of running shoes. With so many choices to choose from it can be overwhelming selecting a running shoe that will work for you. When I started running a few years ago, I...

How to Start the Atkins Diet

How to Start the Atkins Diet Step-by-Step

I’m on a journey to be healthier, lose a little weight, and lean up. I am pretty good at working out at least three times a week but as I get older it’s hard to lose or even maintain my weight. Although I do want to shed some weight, what I really want to do is...

Easy Ideas that work for exercising at home When It's Cold Outside via @JusticeJonesie

Ideas For Exercising at Home When It’s Cold Outside

It’s so darn cold outside! SO cold. It’s hard to exercise, workout, or go to the gym when it’s so cold outside your eyeballs are freezing and the roads are covered in snow.  Stay motivated and don’t let the cold weather drag you down. There’s good news. Working out when it’s cold burns more calories.  ...


It’s Time To Shape Up!!

Ever since my car accident last year I have had a hard time working out and staying in shape. As a result, I gained a few extra pounds. In fact, my skinny jeans wrote me an email telling me how much they miss our outings and cute pumps I usually pair them with for a...

gaining weight after 30 or 40

Wrinkles Are The Least of My Worries

I thought I was years away from caring about aging but lately it’s been top of mind. While I still think I am young, my body seems to think  differently. It’s not the wrinkles that I’m noticing, it’s the weight gain. Just in this last year I gained 10 pounds. The weight gain started after...

Caution: Getting Old Causes Injuries

Caution: Getting Old Causes Injuries

I never thought I would actually begin to feel old but this week, life seems to have started to play an evil trick on me.  In  just a few days, I’ll be turning, ahem, 25. That big birthday kind of crept up on me because for years I was telling people the wrong age.   In...