Tag: guest post

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From Lawyer Mom to Happy Mom: AHappiness Project via @justicejonesie

From Lawyer Mom to Happy Mom: A Happiness Project

I’ll never forget what one of the male partners at my law firm told me when I announced my second pregnancy, “I guess this means you’re not coming back.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. After a brief second of shock I defended my career and pregnancy with conviction. Then I went to my...

Joe Cepeda's Childhood Reflections

Reflecting on Childhood Memories With Joe Cepeda

During the month of April, Latinas for Latino Lit (L4LL) is honoring 24 Latino authors and illustrators  by pairing them with 24 Latina bloggers that will feature guest posts from a paired author or illustrator.  This year I am so happy to participate and share a post by illustrator Joe Cepeda. Mr. Cepeda is the...