Tag: Haiti

Home / Haiti
Heart of Haiti connects online influencers to Haiti through its #Bloggers4Haiti program.

From Child in Haiti to Blogger For Haiti

It’s been five years. Five years since we got the call that an earthquake had ripped through Port-au-Prince where nearly all of my dad’s side of the family was living. I stayed up until 5 am that morning waiting to find out if my family was okay. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind....


Supporting Haitian Artisans With #Bloggers4Haiti

I just returned from my fifth trip to Haiti over the last four years. Each time I leave Haiti I return to the states with so many different emotions; I feel  inspired, encouraged, hopeless, frustrated all at the same time. Much has been done but still so much more remains. I am often asked how people...

Heart of Haiti is a trade not aid initiative of Macy's.

Heart For Haiti: Finding Positivity in Hardships

February is a month to celebrate love.* You’re given a chance to pause and remember your loved ones new and old. Others may remember places they have visited or non-profits and organizations they may be passionate about supporting.  This February, Macy’s Heart of Haiti wants us to consider the island of Haiti as a place to...


Remembering Haiti – Four Year Anniversary

It’s hard to believe that the earthquake in Haiti took place four years ago. I was in Haiti for the first time in over 20 years just weeks before the earthquake happened. I had a great time with family and visited the island where my family was from but I knew little about.  We traveled the...


Learning The Most From Those With the Least

I’ve been in Haiti now for three days for the second annual #Bloggers4Haiti trip. Myself and other bloggers like TechSavvyMama, KellyTillman, and Kety Esquivel  are here with support from Macy’s Heart of Haiti, The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, and the leadership of the Everywhere agency.  During our time here we travel the island from Port-au-Prince to Jacmel...


Haiti: Little Signs of Hope Amongst Great Poverty

Imagine waking up one Tuesday morning thinking that you were going to go on about your day as usual.  Except before you could even eat your lunch, everything that was important to you was gone. Your friends, family members, spouse, or maybe your children have perished. Then imagine living in a makeshift tent for two years after that life changing...

Haitian Women

The Strength of Haitian Women

So we are on day three of our #Bloggers4Haiti trip and the only thing I can say is that this has been a trip of a lifetime. There is so much to write but I have only a few moments of internet before we get in our van to go to Jacmel to visit more...

Travel Guide: Labadee, Haiti

Travel Guide: Labadee, Haiti

I love sharing my stories about my trips to Haiti.  Last summer we visited Labadee, Haiti.   Labadee is located on the northern coast of Haiti. You can travel to Labadee by car or by taking a  23 minute flight from Port-au-Prince to Cap-Haitien.  You’ll take a small plane into Cap then drive about 30 minutes through the city to...


Have Kids, And Passports, Will Travel

The last few months I’ve been focused on traveling abroad with the kids and lately it’s become an obsession.  It all started with my trip to Mexico City in 2009 where I saw and met many ex-patriots living abundant lives and la vida loca worlds away from their former lives in the U.S. At restaurants or out shopping, we kept...