Tag: Health Tips

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Replace Antibacterial soaps with these safe hand washing tips via @JusticeJonesie

Are Antibacterial Soaps Safe for Kids?

As we approach the peak of the flu and cold season hand sanitizing and washing is key to minimize the spread of germs and keep our children healthy. Yet today I came across some alarming news. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued another round of warnings that antibacterial soaps and liquids may be unsafe to use for children and...


Three Easy Homemade Popsicles & Other Cool Treats

During the hot summer months there’s nothing that feels and tastes better than grabbing a cool treat from the freezer and sitting near a cool fan. Did you know that making these treats yourself are not only easy but a great family activity that promotes healthy living? Eating fresh and homemade is always better for...


Not Just Growing Pains: Understanding Juvenile Arthritis

July is Juvenile Arthritis month and as a child of someone that has suffered from Rheumatoid arthritis for over 30 years, I thought I would share some information about juvenile arthritis.  Although my mom was diagnosed with arthritis as an adult, I still worry that maybe the disease will pass on to myself or even worse, one of...

Practice Safe Sun Tips

Practice Safe Fun in the Sun

Did you know that every hour, one American dies of melanoma?  Despite this alarming statistic,  many men and women still choose to expose their skin to harmful UVA and UVB radiation without putting any sun protection on.  It’s not only the beach goers and pool-side sun bathers that put themselves at risk.  Tanning salons are said to be...