Tag: Heart of Haiti

Home / Heart of Haiti
Heart of Haiti connects online influencers to Haiti through its #Bloggers4Haiti program.

From Child in Haiti to Blogger For Haiti

It’s been five years. Five years since we got the call that an earthquake had ripped through Port-au-Prince where nearly all of my dad’s side of the family was living. I stayed up until 5 am that morning waiting to find out if my family was okay. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind....


Supporting Haitian Artisans With #Bloggers4Haiti

I just returned from my fifth trip to Haiti over the last four years. Each time I leave Haiti I return to the states with so many different emotions; I feel  inspired, encouraged, hopeless, frustrated all at the same time. Much has been done but still so much more remains. I am often asked how people...

Heart of Haiti is a trade not aid initiative of Macy's.

Heart For Haiti: Finding Positivity in Hardships

February is a month to celebrate love.* You’re given a chance to pause and remember your loved ones new and old. Others may remember places they have visited or non-profits and organizations they may be passionate about supporting.  This February, Macy’s Heart of Haiti wants us to consider the island of Haiti as a place to...