Tag: jonesies tips

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How to keep face clear in winter

Keep Your Skin Clear This Winter

As winter sets in, many of us may be wondering how we can combat dry skin and stress-induced breakouts this winter. Winter season and holiday preparations are certainly stressful.  And because you are running around, you may be sleeping less, rushing through meals, or not getting in that much needed cardio workout — all things known...

How to Sell Your Gold For Cash

How to Sell Your Gold For Cash

Cash for gold jewelry? Yes, please! What are the dos and don’ts to and how much can you actually get?  After watching several news reports about people selling old gold jewelry for cash to make extra money, I figured why not? I’ll give it a shot. I have seen more and more stores with signs...

30 Business Tips for Women in Their 30s

30 Business Tips for Women in Their 30s

  Starting your own business isn’t easy, especially as a women. Doing this more than once is even harder. With each start-up there’s risk. Will your business do well? What will it cost you? What if your new business fails, what will friends and colleagues think then? I’m not sure where my entrepreneurial spirit came from...


A Girl’s Guide to Understanding Football

  Ladies, are you ready for some football? Football season is in full swing with the Play Offs and Super Bowl still a few months away. Many wives and girl friends call themselves football widows this time of year as their men disappear for hours for NFL Sunday, Monday Night Football, and the Thursday night...


Five Ways to Successfully Grow as a Mompreneur

Women experience less societal gender restrictions and are no longer limited to motherhood or a career. Successful women in business world prove that it’s possible and can be exceptionally rewarding. As a mother of three and a business owner, I can work a flexible schedule to attend a school field trip or take a conference...

Back To School Tips & Tricks-Updated

Back To School Tips & Tricks-Updated

When did August get here? I can’t believe summer vacation will be over for us in less than a week!  These last few days have been busy for me as we just returned from vacation and since then I’ve been school shopping, supply ordering, and getting ready for orientations.  Not to mention that I’m back at work too. Good...

How To Be Productive: Lessons From This Busy Mama

How To Be Productive: Lessons From This Busy Mama

I admit to juggling a full plate.  In fact, I probably have enough plates for two or three people.  The “how do you do it” question is asked often by even my most accomplished friends, neighbors, and colleagues.  If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me that question, well, let’s just say I...