Tag: Michelle Obama

Home / Michelle Obama

Election 2012: Four More Years!

President Obama has won re-election! This morning I woke up proud and happy. Proud to be an American that has the right as a woman, a minority, and mother to freely exercise my right to vote along side so many others.  Also proud that so many women, Latinos, and African-Americans also exercised their rights and became an...

opinion on the presidential debates

Election 2012: Do You Weigh In?

Some of you may follow my posts over at CafeMom where I am one of five political mom bloggers for Moms Matter 2012. Each week, we hash out the issues on a political topic that has been assigned to us and we weigh in on the issues from the mom perspective.  Starting this week, we...

Ladies Who Lunch: Michelle Obama & Me Part II

Ladies Who Lunch: Michelle Obama & Me Part II

It’s been a whirlwind for me since last week!  I’ve been so busy that I haven’t even had a chance to post my recap of the First Lady’s visit or post the pictures! So here goes all of the loveliness of Mrs. Obama’s visit in part two of Ladies Who Lunch: Michelle Obama & Me. The Wardrobe: I...