Tag: mompreneur

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Let’s Stop Feeling Bad About Being Working Moms

Let’s Stop Feeling Bad About Being Working Moms

As much as I love to be a working mom, it comes with challenges. Some that make you feel like you’re not giving your full attention to your children and family. It can be especially hard when many of the moms at your kids’ school are stay-at-home moms. Today I had one of those days....

30 Business Tips for Women in Their 30s

30 Business Tips for Women in Their 30s

  Starting your own business isn’t easy, especially as a women. Doing this more than once is even harder. With each start-up there’s risk. Will your business do well? What will it cost you? What if your new business fails, what will friends and colleagues think then? I’m not sure where my entrepreneurial spirit came from...

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Nanny or Choosing DayCare via @JusticeJonesie

Pros and Cons of Hiring a Nanny or Choosing Day Care

I often get questions from my friends that have recently had babies looking for help on deciding between a nanny or daycare. Or pregnant moms that are preparing for maternity leave and want the best option when it comes to finding the child care for their baby. With three kids of my own, I have had...

From Lawyer Mom to Happy Mom: AHappiness Project via @justicejonesie

From Lawyer Mom to Happy Mom: A Happiness Project

I’ll never forget what one of the male partners at my law firm told me when I announced my second pregnancy, “I guess this means you’re not coming back.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. After a brief second of shock I defended my career and pregnancy with conviction. Then I went to my...

Family Comes First and Five Other Lies Working Moms Tell Themselves… via @JusticeJonesie

Family Comes First and Other Lies Working Moms Tell …

Work life balance is something many working moms struggle with. Is it really possible or is work life balance a myth? Do women who say they have it lie to themselves  to cope? In this guest post, fellow lawyer mom shares her thoughts…  As a working mom, balancing one’s professional life with one’s personal life is...

10 Things My Students Loans Could Have Bought Me via @JusticeJonesie

10 Things My Student Loans Could Have Bought Me

  Like most college students I borrowed money to pay for undergrad and law school.  The average student loan debt in 2013 was approximately $35,000 for college grads. Mine was slightly double that. I have been out of graduate school now for 12 years and each month I’m sending multiple checks to pay off my...


Five Ways to Successfully Grow as a Mompreneur

Women experience less societal gender restrictions and are no longer limited to motherhood or a career. Successful women in business world prove that it’s possible and can be exceptionally rewarding. As a mother of three and a business owner, I can work a flexible schedule to attend a school field trip or take a conference...