Tag: Motherhood

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5 Ideas for Spending Quality Time With Your Child

5 Ideas for Spending Quality Time With Your Child

When you have multiple children and a busy work schedule, it can be hard to spend quality time with your children. As a mom who owns her own business, I can tell you, it’s sometimes a challenge. Usually when I take time off I have to make sure my team can fill-in or that everything...


Celebrating Mother Figures on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a special day where moms are celebrated and honored by their families.  While we celebrate moms, there’s also the opportunity to celebrate mother figures on Mother’s Day too.  A mother figure is that significant woman in the life a child who has played a special, mother-like role. Those mother figures can include...


6 Tips for Helping Kids to Be A Good Sport

Helping kids to be good sports can be easy with these six tips. Win or lose, playing sports should be fun for kids. I have seen many kids break down and cry, yell, or storm off a field after losing a game or making a mistake on the field. It’s one thing to be disappointed...

5 Tips for Spending Quality Time with Your Child in a Busy Family

5 Tips for Spending Quality Time with Your Child in a Busy Family

I recently read the book, The 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively and discovered that one of my children’s love languages is quality time. With multiple children at home, it’s not always easy for parents to spend quality time with each child. Life is always moving fast and it seems like...


Scream Free Parenting

Here I go again, reading another self-help book. This time the book is Scream Free Parenting: The Revolutionary Approach to Raising Your Kids by Keeping Your Cool. The book had me at keeping your cool. With a teen and pre-teens in the house, I often and praying to keep my cool. One of my goals for...

Should you have three kids?

Should you have three kids?

Some of my friends are debating on whether to have three children or stick to two. As a mom of three, I have a lot of good stories to share and some pros and cons to having more than one or two. I’m a big advocate on more than one but if “one and done”...


5 Tips for Helping Kids Save Money

  Teaching kids to save money is easy with some simple steps. Start them early and you’ll be sure to reinforce life long habits.  Growing up,  my parents always taught my brother and I to save our money.  Saving money started first with collecting extra change and putting it in huge jar with our names on it....

Tips for making date night happen even with kids via @JusticeJonesie

Tips For Making Date Night Easy

Making date night easy is possible with these easy tips. Having regular dates nights with your spouse is probably one of those things on the to-do list that doesn’t get checked off often enough. It’s so much easier said than actually getting done. With three kids, it’s not easy or economical to hire a baby...