Tag: work life balance

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5 Ideas for Spending Quality Time With Your Child

5 Ideas for Spending Quality Time With Your Child

When you have multiple children and a busy work schedule, it can be hard to spend quality time with your children. As a mom who owns her own business, I can tell you, it’s sometimes a challenge. Usually when I take time off I have to make sure my team can fill-in or that everything...

From Lawyer Mom to Happy Mom: AHappiness Project via @justicejonesie

From Lawyer Mom to Happy Mom: A Happiness Project

I’ll never forget what one of the male partners at my law firm told me when I announced my second pregnancy, “I guess this means you’re not coming back.” It wasn’t a question but a statement. After a brief second of shock I defended my career and pregnancy with conviction. Then I went to my...

8 Tips for Planning a Vacation When You're Self Employed via @JusticeJonesie

8 Tips For Planning Your Vacation When You’re Self-Employed

So you’ve realized that you’re overworked and need a vacation. As a small business owner and self-employed mom I know how hard it is to schedule time off for vacation. If you’re a sole proprietor without employees, it gets even harder.  You don’t have someone else to answer the calls or delegate your work. So how...

15 Signs You May Be Working Too hard and need a break via @JusticeJonesie

15 Signs You May be Working Too Much

Americans are overworked. We’ve heard the statistics many times. We work too hard, too much, and we don’t unplug from our devices. Every study on mental health will tell you that working too much or non-stop is not good for your health. It causes you to be depressed, overweight, and can lead to heart disease...

No Mommy Guilt

Loving My Working Mom Status

For the first time in 11 years I am rid of the mommy guilt associated with being a working mom.  For years I was constantly fighting my inner demons between wanting to advance my career and wanting to be home with the kids. I remember many times rushing home after putting in a long day...


Monday Motiviation- Where do you find balance?

  The other day I had a female colleague tell me that I always seemed so calm even when she knew I was busy.  She stopped by my office for tips on time-management and advice on what she could do to lower her stress levels.  Coincidently, another colleague had recently told me almost the same thing. While I was humbled by their...

Balancing Legal Career & Motherhood

Balancing Legal Career & Motherhood

Seems like ages ago that I worked at a large firm where I earned an impressive salary serving prestigious clients.  Although time has flown by, it’s only been six years since I made the decision to walk away from my plush law firm job to focus on my three children.  I would like to say the decision was a tough one, but it...