Tag: working mom

Home / working mom
Let’s Stop Feeling Bad About Being Working Moms

Let’s Stop Feeling Bad About Being Working Moms

As much as I love to be a working mom, it comes with challenges. Some that make you feel like you’re not giving your full attention to your children and family. It can be especially hard when many of the moms at your kids’ school are stay-at-home moms. Today I had one of those days....

No Mommy Guilt

Loving My Working Mom Status

For the first time in 11 years I am rid of the mommy guilt associated with being a working mom.  For years I was constantly fighting my inner demons between wanting to advance my career and wanting to be home with the kids. I remember many times rushing home after putting in a long day...

Career Day- It’s A Wrap!

Career Day- It’s A Wrap!

The other day, I was preparing for one of my most important talks yet- an explanation to all kindergarten students on what I do for a living in hopes to inspire them to accomplish great things in their lives.  Yep, the career day talk. This was going to be interesting.  For starters, I have three...