Thirty-five states will offer early voting and both candidates have been working their way through key battle grounds states of Florida, Virginia, Colorado, among many others to reach out to voters and encourage them to vote early. This year, forecasters predict that 40% of votes will be cast during the early voting process, up 10% from the 2008 election. In Florida where I live, early voting began yesterday. Already I have seen a great number of posts from friends and family saying they voted. With that said, I thought I would put together a short list to remind and encourage my readers not just to vote but to vote early. Incidentally, we were going to vote today after church but my six-year old came down with a high temperature and a stomach virus so no church or early voting for us today. Hence, inspiration for this post! Read it, then go vote- your candidate thanks you!
Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Vote Early
- Early voting has changed in some states. For example in my state of Florida, Floridians have only eight days to participate in early voting, down from the 14 days we had in 2008. This means you can’t keep putting it off like you may have done in 2008. This also means that you have less time over the weekend to vote early. Three weekend days with just one Sunday to vote early.
- Several states have enacted new voter ID laws that voters may not have familiarized themselves with. Would be terrible if you arrived to the voting both near closing on November 6th only to find out you do not have proper ID. Vote early in the event you arrive to a voting center only to find out you will not be able to vote that day.
- You or your family member (child, spouse, friend) may wind up sick making it hard or not possible for you to get to the voting center. You never know what can happen. In fact, my six-year old came down with a high fever today and we planned to vote as as family today. We’ll have to go tomorrow after school instead, assuming he’s better of course.
- Your car may break down on your way to your voting precinct. You never know, a flat tire, out of gas, dead battery. It can happen on any random day and usually at the most inconvenient times.
- Your may have an issue at work that day that will not allow you to leave as originally planned.
- Bad weather – snow, a Hurricane, thunderstorm, any thing can happen. Who expected Sandy to hit the Northeast in late October? Earthquake– hello, Boston just had one!
- You get pulled over on your way to the voting precinct and you arrive too late. You, a friend, spouse, anyone gets into a car accident and then you can’t make it to the voting center.
- Bad traffic on voting day for all those people that waited until the last minute.
- You go into labor early. Or worse, you die. (Not funny but this can happen, as we know).
- Why not just get it done? Why wait? Why procrastinate? You know you are going to vote and you know that every vote counts, especially in this election where it is such a tight race. So don’t wait, go and vote!
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