3 Tips For Shopping for New Running Shoes

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Tips for New Runners When Buying Running Shoes via @Justicejonesie

So you’ve taken that first step to becoming a runner and you find that in order to properly run you need a new pair of running shoes. With so many choices to choose from it can be overwhelming selecting a running shoe that will work for you. When I started running a few years ago, I had no idea how important a good running shoe was to my performance. The right shoe helped me run two half-marathons and two 15ks, all in my first year of running.  The wrong sneakers resulted in knee pain and horrible shin splints.

3 Tips for Buying New Running Shoes

Checkout these 3 quick tips on selecting ‘the’ right shoe for your running needs.

Find Your Foot Type

This is one of the most important tips because in order to choose a shoe that will properly fit, you’ll need to know more about your foot type. There are three major types of feet you will have: high-arched, flat and neutral. If you are a flat-footed runner you’ll need a shoe that will help slow down the rate of over pronation. For those with high-arched feet look for a shoe that have a lot of cushion to give you more support when running. Neutral foot types are the most common, your feet will land on its heel and then roll forward to distribute weight evenly across the entire foot. After my fitting I learned that Newton running shoes were the best shoe for me. What a huge difference it made in my stride and comfort, I loved them!

Visit a shoe store designed specifically for runners 

Unless you pretty much know what type of shoe to look for I would recommend going into a store first before ordering running shoes online. This will allow an expert to measure your feet to determine the correct foot type and size. Running can cause the feet to swell so be sure to leave enough space between your big toe to the end of the shoe. There is nothing worse than coming home after a run only to find you have black toenails. Also when trying on shoes try taking a very brief jog around the store to ensure the shoe fits comfortable and give you the running stride you are aiming for. A good running store will encourage you to do so and they’ll have a great guarantee policy.


Replace your running shoes

Once you’ve found that perfect pair of running shoes, don’t forget to replace them every 400 miles or so. It is easy to get accustomed to a particular shoe and often times we may not even notice when the need to replace them may arise, until it’s too late. Running around in worn out shoes can cause foot injuries due to the lack of stability, shock absorption and cushioning.

Running offers many benefits such as losing weight, relieving stress, healthy hobby, or as a sport. Choosing a shoe that helps you enjoy this, is just as important for a first time runner as it is when buying that first home. Shoes can become quite expensive so it is essential you educate yourself before making that plunge into the world of running shoes.

Image credit/ City of Jacksonville

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